Emergency Response Activity (ERA) world map
Programme > WWW > ERA > Contacts



RSMC Exeter

RSMC products - rsmc.metoffice.gov.uk/cgi-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

Updated 6 May 2014


RSMC Toulouse

RSMC products - www.meteo.fr/cmrs/rsmc2-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

Updated 13 September 2018


RSMC Montreal

RSMC products - eer.cmc.ec.gc.ca/eer-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

See also eer.cmc.ec.gc.ca/mandats/rsmc/A-rsmc.html

Voir aussi eer.cmc.ec.gc.ca/mandats/rsmc/F-rsmc.html

Updated 6 May 2014


RSMC Washington

RSMC products - ready.arl.noaa.gov/rsmc2-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

See also ready.arl.noaa.gov/rsmcprod.php

Updated 26 October 2014


RSMC Beijing

RSMC products - rsmc.nmc.cn/rsmc-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

Updated 13 September 2018


RSMC Tokyo

RSMC products - eer.kishou.go.jp/cgi-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

Updated 6 May 2014


RSMC Obninsk

RSMC products - www.feerc.ru/rsmc-bin/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

Updated 9 June 2015


RSMC Melbourne

RSMC products - reg.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/reg/EER/jntrsmc.pl (password protected)

 Updated 6 May 2014


IAEA Vienna


Incidents and Emergencies

Incident and Emergency Centre

Response System

USIE - Unified System for Information Exchange in Incidents and Emergencies (password protected)

 Updated 6 May 2014


RTH Offenbach


 Updated 6 May 2014


WMO Geneva


Select Emergency Response Activities in Programmes. Direct link:


 Updated 6 May 2014




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