Emergency Response Activity (ERA) world map
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ERA-related meeting documents & reports

Please see http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/BAS/CBS-meetings.html for papers presented at meetings of the WMO Expert Team on Emergency Response Activities (ET-ERA).  

Reports of meetings of the ET-ERA, the CG-NERA and the ET-nNERA are available at http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/CBS-Reports/DPFSERA-index.html.


Note: The ET-ERA consists of two Task Teams that deal respectively with operational procedures for nuclear ERA and for non-nuclear ERA.  They replaced the groups previously known as the Coordination Group for Nuclear Emergency Response Activities (CG-NERA) and the Expert Team for non-Nuclear Emergency Response Activities (ET-nNERA), following the decision by CBS-15 to restructure the Emergency Response Activities programme.




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