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following CIMO-16




a) To advise and help the president on all matters related to the work of the Commission;

b) To assist the president in planning and coordinating the work of the Commission, its Open Programme Area Groups and expert teams;

c) To plan, coordinate and actively manage the work of the Commission, its Open Programme Area Groups, expert teams, task teams, and theme leaders, including assisting the Chairpersons of the ETs in preparing their workplans and evaluating the progress achieved in the work programmes, advising on the new priority activities;

d) To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme in relation to the WMO Strategic Plans and advise the president on appropriate actions;

e) To advise the president on matters related to cooperation with other technical commissions, regional associations, WMO Programmes and other relevant international organizations and governmental or non-governmental bodies;

f) To coordinate the activities of the Commission with respect to other technical commissions, regional associations and WMO cross-cutting programmes;

g) To mobilize experts to enable the work of the Commission to be achieved;

h) To keep under review the internal structure and working methods of the Commission and make necessary adjustments to its working structure during the intersessional period, for efficiency reasons and/or to meet emerging requirements of WMO;

i) To keep under review the terms of reference of the Open Programme Area Groups, expert teams, task teams, and theme leaders, and make necessary adjustments;

j) To advise the president on designations of experts to carry out specific tasks as necessary between sessions of the Commission;

k) To request the Open Programme Area Group Co-Chairpersons to participate in the meetings of the expert teams under their responsibility;

l) To keep Members informed of the activities and achieved results of the Commission.

m) To ensure continued cooperation and collaboration with partners, including UN bodies, private companies and other organizations.





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