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CHy-13, Advisory Working Group (AWG)

The topics that are being addressed by the Advisory Working Group are:


Theme Area 1: Quality Management Framework - Hydrology (QMF-Hydrology)

The essence of the WMO QMF is to provide an overall strategy, advice, guidance and tools for the Member NMHS to attain quality, efficiency, and effectiveness in its functioning. The WMO QMF would enable the provision of continuing relevant advice to WMO Members on developing their individual quality management systems (QMSs), thereby providing a mechanism for their further improvement. It is meant to complement and assist with the implementation of national QMSs developed/ to be developed by NMHSs. The role of the WMO QMF is, therefore, to enable and support a process of continuous quality improvement in Member countries. It would include the following distinct though related elements:

  • WMO policy statement;
  • WMO technical standards including Volume IV of WMO Technical Regulations;
  • Catalogue of technical publications/standards as potential contributions to QMSs;
  • Guide on quality management to assist NMHSs in the design and implementation of QMSs;
  • Training of quality managers, practitioners and NMHSs decision makers.

QMF-Hydrology, within the overall WMO-QMF, would mainly address the hydrological needs of the Members. It would however, adopt the elements of weather and climatic observations from the WMO QMF.

Proposed activities

  1. Finalize the preparation of the Manual on Water Quality Monitoring;
  2. Prepare guidance material on the definition and implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) for NHSs;
  3. Review of the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49);
  4. Undertake a project to assess the "performance of flow measurement instruments and techniques against WMO standards";
  5. Develop standards, formats and protocols for data transfer;
  6. Monitoring advances and assist in the development of new technologies for Hydrometric Monitoring;
  7. Prepare a Manual on Design Flood Estimation;
  8. Prepare guidance material on the effect of weed growth and ice effects on flow measurement and rating curves;
  9. Prepare a Manual on monitoring of glacier and snowfields;
  10. Preparations for an International Conference on Hydrometry.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact:Harry Lins (Mr)

Do you want to share your experience or comments regarding these topics?

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Theme Area 2: Water Resources Assessment

Proposed activities

  1. Finalize the preparation of the manual on water resources assessment;
  2. Provide input to the development of improved aeral estimation of evaporation and evapo-transpiration and soil moisture;
  3. Prepare guidance material on the current status of network design and optimization, including the use of modelling;
  4. Prepare an information note on ecological flow requirements and ecological assessment ;
  5. Prepare guidance material on the current status of estimation of snow water equivalent.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Jeanna Balonishnikova (Ms)

Do you want to share your experience or comments regarding this topic?

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Theme Area 3: Hydrological Forecasting and Prediction

Proposed activities

  1. Finalize the preparation of the Manual on Flood Forecasting;
  2. Promote capacity-building in the use of Manual on Low Flows;
  3. Provide advice and support to the projects related to the Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) and PROHIMET
  4. Provide advice on and monitor the development and application of the Global Flood Alert System;
  5. Assessment of the use of Advanced Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) to improve flood forecasting;
  6. Prepare guidance material on seasonal flow forecasting - including quantifying uncertainties.
  7. Review the current status of and provide guidance material on Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE), Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) and probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (pQPF);
  8. Prepare guidance to undertake an intercomparison related to the use of operational flood forecasting models;
  9. Provide advice and guidance on relevant hydrological risk management issues;

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Zhiyu Liu (Mr), Guido Van Langenhove (Mr) or Johannes Cullmann (Mr)

Do you want to share your experience or comments regarding these topics?

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Theme Area 4: Water, Climate and Risk Management

Proposed activities

  1. Identification of climate sensitive stations and analysis of their data;
  2. Prepare guidance material on the potential use of the current capabilities in regional climate modelling (RCM) for water resources assessment and management;
  3. Promote data rescue activities;
  4. Contribute to the guidance material on seasonal flow forecasting – including quantifying uncertainties;
  5. Prepare guidance material on the climate information requirements of water resources managers for operations, long-term planning and design;
  6. Prepare guidance material on drought forecasting and indices - including quantifying uncertainties;
  7. Prepare guidance material for factoring transient climates, non-stationary nature of data sets and uncertainty analysis in the estimation of design floods.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Ann Calver (Ms)

Do you want to share your experience or comments regarding this topic?

>> Visit e-board



Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Antônio Cardoso Neto (Mr)

>> Visit e-board



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