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Programmes > HWRP > CHy > CHy-XIII

Advisory Working Group members - General terms of reference

While developing the activities it should be ensured that the cross-cutting issues are taken into account.


Theme Area 1: Quality Management Framework - Hydrology (QMF-Hydrology)

  • To co-lead, monitor, report and provide advice on the activities of the relevant Theme Area, as indicated in the Draft Programme of Work;
  • To liaise, as necessary, with relevant areas of WMO (e.g. CIMO), the International Standards Organization (ISO) and other United Nations agencies with regard to quality management;
  • To develop and implement Capacity Building initiatives based on the activities undertaken within the relevant Theme Area;
  • To report on activities at each AWG meeting and as requested by the president of CHy.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Ms Zsuzsanna Buzás or Mr Harry Lins

Theme Area 2: Water Resources Assessment

  • To lead, monitor, report and provide advice on the activities of the relevant Theme Area, as indicated in the Draft Programme of Work;
  • To liaise, as necessary, with relevant areas of WMO, United Nations agencies and other relevant groups with regard to water resources assessment activities;
  • To develop and implement Capacity Building initiatives based on the activities undertaken within the relevant Theme Area;
  • To report on activities at each AWG meeting and as requested by the president of CHy.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Dr Jeanna Balonishnikova

Theme Area 3: Hydrological Forecasting and Prediction

  • To co-lead, monitor, report and provide advice on the activities of the relevant Theme Area, as indicated in the Draft Programme of Work, and to undertake the following activities:
  • To liaise, as necessary, with relevant areas of WMO (in particular DRR, CAS and CBS with regard to the WMO Flood Initiative) and other organisations (e.g. UNESCO IHP, IFI, ICHARM) with regard to hydrological forecasting and prediction and disaster risk reduction activities;
  • To develop and implement Capacity Building initiatives based on the activities undertaken within the relevant Theme Area;
  • To report on activities at each AWG meeting and as requested by the president of CHy.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Mr Zhiyu Liu or Mr Guido Van Langenhove

Theme Area 4: Water, Climate and Risk Management

  • To lead, monitor, report and provide advice on the activities of the relevant Theme Area, as indicated in the Draft Programme of Work, and to undertake the following activities;
  • To liaise, as necessary, with relevant areas of WMO (e.g. CCl) and other organizations (UNESCO-IHP, UNEP, IAHR and IAHS) with regard to Climate and Water activities;
  • To develop and implement Capacity Building initiatives based on the activities undertaken within the relevant Theme Area;
  • To report on activities at each AWG meeting and as requested by the president of CHy.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this theme? Please contact: Dr Ann Calver

WMO Integrated Global Observation System (WIGOS) and WMO Information System (WIS)

  • To act as the Commission for Hydrology focal point for the activities associated with WIGOS and WIS;
  • To promote, monitor, report and provide advice on the application of Resolution 25 (Cg-XIII) by Members and in particular in HYCOS projects, as and when necessary;
  • To design and coordinate a project that will develop hydrological data transfer standards protocols and formats in support of WIGOS and WIS;
  • To explore and develop opportunities for expanding the use of Hydrological Information Systems (HISs) and associated freeware, model interface platforms, web services for hydrological applications, etc.;
  • To monitor, report and provide advice on the activities of the international data centres such as GRDC, the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) and IGRAC and address the international data requirements, including hydrological components of large-scale initiatives such as GEWEX and GTN-H, GCOS, GTOS and GEO;
  • To report on activities at each AWG meeting and as requested by the president of CHy.

Are you interested to participate in any of the above activities under this topic? Please contact: Dr Antônio Cardoso Neto


Cross-cutting issues

Transboundary River Basins/Aquifers

Transboundary River Basins and/Aquifers were identified as a key applications area for many of the activities proposed. For example, Water Resources Assessment methodologies must be able to address the Groundwater/Surface Water Interface, monitoring systems must be designed with transboundary issues in mind and flood forecasting systems must be able to operate in transboundary river basins.

Methods for data-sparse areas

Methodologies that will be applicable in data-sparse area must be identified and included under many of the theme areas, for example water resources assessment, flood forecasting, seasonal flow forecasting etc.


WHYCOS addresses cross-cutting topics as all HYCOS projects cover activities related to data collection and transmission, development of information systems that provide specific services/products and knowledge on Water Resources Assessment, hydrological forecasting, flood management and IWRM. Activities under each of the theme areas assist in general in the development of material in support of the WHYCOS projects. They form the main vehicle for both human and infrastructure capacity development in NHSs.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building is a key Expected Result of all activities in the CHy Programme of Work and as such all activities would contribute to Capacity Building initiatives across all theme areas.

Socio-Economic and Ecological Benefits of Hydrological Services

Each of the theme areas will have different economic benefits and members should look for opportunities to contribute to the identification of relevant material for valuation of the economic benefits of the hydrological services in these areas.



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