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Programmes > HWRP > Development of Hydrological outlooks

Development of Hydrological outlooks


Expert Meeting on Extended Hydrological Prediction

In July 2011 an Expert Meeting on Extended Hydrological Prediction has been organized in Melbourne, Australia, with the objective of facilitating discussion on current approaches to extended hydrological prediction from various regions of the world and to establish a process for the compilation of guidance material in relation to the development and delivery of extended hydrological prediction services.


Training Workshop for Hydrology Outlooks in Western South America

An additional activity, foreseen in the Regional Action Plan, consisted in inviting hydrological forecasters of the six countries to the RCOF, which in 2010 was held in Quito, Ecuador. As a consequence, a Training Workshop for Hydrology Outlooks in Western South America was held in Quito-Ecuador on 10 and 11 November 2010.


Training of Trainers on Hydrological Outlooks

As foreseen in the Regional Action Plan prepared by the Guayaquil workshop, a Training of Trainers on Hydrological Outlooks was held at IRI headquarters, Palisades, NY, USA from 20 September to 1 October 2010.

The general objective of the workshop was, taking into account the current methodology used for producing seasonal climate forecasts in Western South America, to explore different techniques or approaches to disaggregate seasonal precipitation forecasts in daily time series for different weather stations. Furthermore use them as input to one or more hydrological models for each basin to produce probabilistic hydrological outlooks for the next three months and compare the results of the hydrological outlooks developed with this method with outlooks in which CPT is used to directly forecast stream flows in the same basins.

More information on this activity can be found at:


Regional Workshop on Integration of Seasonal Forecasts and Hydrological information for water-related sectors in the Western Coast of South America (WCSA)

As part of the activity decided by CHy-XIII to develop guidance material on seasonal flow forecasting, including quantifying uncertainties, a Regional Workshop on Integration of Seasonal Forecasts and Hydrological information for water-related sectors in the Western Coast of South America (WCSA) was held in Guayaquil, Ecuador 25-28 January 2010, in cooperation with CIIFEN and with the participation of experts from CHy, IRI, IRD and representatives of NMHSs from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile, particularly professionals related to climate predictions and hydrological forecasting.

The objective of the workshop was to assess the current national capacities, ongoing activities, strengths, weaknesses and major needs of the water sector related to seasonal hydrological predictions; learn about regional or extra-regional experiences with hydrological products and services applied to the irrigation, energy and sanitation sectors; foster the interaction between the hydrologic and climatic communities in the region by identifying the points of common interest and challenges; and propose a regional action plan aimed at the implementation of hydrological outlooks based on climate outlooks in the region, as a first contribution from the region to the implementation of the Global Framework of Climate Services.




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