Please note that this historical material is still in provisional form pending further review,
but any comments/suggestions would be welcome to JMA (mcss(at)

History of FM 13-SHIP, FM 21 SHIP, FM 22 SHIP, FM 23 SHRED, FM 24 SHIP/SHIGY and FM 26 SPESH

Period of each code in effect
CODE From To
FM 13 SHIP 1 Jan. 1982 now in effect
FM 21 SHIP 1949 31 Dec. 1981
FM 22 SHIP 1949 31 Dec. 1981
FM 23 SHRED 1949 31 Dec. 1981
FM 24 SHIGY 1 Jul. 1957 31 Dec. 1959
FM 24 SHIP 1 Jan. 1972 31 Dec. 1981
FM 26 SPESH 1949 31 Dec. 1981

Description of each change with resolution and recommendation

Date in effect Decription of change Resolution Recommendation
2 Nov. 2011 FM 13-XIV Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-XIII Ext. SHIP)
- Amendment to the regulation on past-weather reporting in hourly synoptic observations
Amendments between CBS sessions (2011)
WMO letter (18 Feb. 2011)
WWW Operational Newsletter (29 Apr. 2011)
5 Nov. 2008 FM 13-XIII Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-XII Ext. SHIP)
- Modification to the regulation for reporting instrument detected cloud layers
Corrigendum to Supplement No. 6 to the Manual on Codes, Vol. I.1
WMO letter (1 Oct. 2008)
These amendments were issued as Supplement No. 6 to the Manual on Codes, Vol. I.1.
(Not including amendments of FM 13 SHIP)
Res. 10 EC-LIX (May 2007) Rec. 5 CBS-Ext. (06) (Nov. 2006)
5 Nov. 2003 FM 13-XII Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-XI Ext. SHIP)
- Amendment to the regulation on reporting precipitation
Res. 8 EC-LV (May 2003) Rec. 4 CBS-Ext. (02) (Dec. 2002)
3 May 2000 FM 13-XI Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-XI SHIP)
- Amendment to the regulation on reporting past-weather
Res. 8 EC-LI (May 1999) Rec. 6 CBS-Ext. (98) (Sep. 1998)
5 Nov. 1997 FM 13-XI SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-X SHIP)
- A new regulation to avoid possible confusion in the radiation groups and group 5 of section 3
Res. 4 EC-XLIX (Jun. 1997) Rec. 7 CBS-XI (Oct. 1996)
2 Nov. 1994 FM 13-X SHIP is modified
- Add wet-bulb temp.
- Systematically report present, past weather temp., clouds and waves
- Indicate type of SST measurement
Res. 4 EC-XLV (Jun. 1993) Rec. 9 CBS-X (Sep. 1992)
3 Nov. 1993 FM 13-X SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-IX Ext. SHIP)
- Procedure to reporting net short wave and direct solar radiation
Rec. 8 CBS-X (Sep. 1992)
1 Nov. 1991 FM 13-IX Ext. SHIP is made (modification to FM 13-IX SHIP)
- Pressure tendency algorithm
- Total amount of precipitation
- Actual time of observation
Res. 8 EC-XLIII (May 1991) Rec. 13 CBS Ext. (90) (Sep. 1990)
1 Nov. 1989 FM 13-IX SHIP is made (modification to FM 13-VIII Ext. SHIP)
- Snow-depth data
- Precipitation data
- Daily amount of evaporation (evapotranspiration), net-radiation and duration of sunshine data
Res. 1 EC-XL (Jun. 1988) Rec. 12 CBS-IX (Jan. 1988)
1 Nov. 1987 FM 13-VIII Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-VII SHIP)
- Broaden use of N = /
- Present weather from automatic ship stations
- Identifiers of ocean platform such as drilling, oil and gas rigs
- Wave height in reports from automatic ship stations
Res. 4 EC-XXXVIII (Jun. 1986) Rec. 5, 10 CBS Ext. (85) (Oct. 1985)
1 Jan. 1984 FM 13-VII SHIP is modified
- Improvements in the regulations, notes and specifications
Res. 4 EC-XXXV (May 1983) Rec. 6 CBS-VIII (Jan. 1983)
1 Jan. 1982 FM 13-VII SHIP is introduced (deletion of FM 21-V SHIP, FM 22-V SHIP, FM 23-V SHRED and FM 24-V SHIP)
- Common code for reporting surface observations from different types of surface station
Res. 5 EC-XXXI (May 1979) Rec. 14 CBS-VII (Nov. 1978)
Annex to Rec.14
1 Jan. 1979 FM 21-V SHIP, FM 22-V SHIP and FM 23-V SHRED are amended
- Revision of ice group
Res. 3 EC-XXIX (May 1977) Rec. 9 CBS Ext. (76) (Nov. 1976)
Axxen to Rec.9
1 Jan. 1978 FM 21-V SHIP, FM 22-V SHIP, FM 23-V SHRED and FM 24-V SHIP are amended
- Revision of the notes on the codes Res. 3 EC-XXIX (May 1977)
Rec. 12 CBS Ext. (76) (Nov. 1976)
1 Jan. 1972 FM 21.E, FM 22.E and FM 23.E are made (amendments to FM21.D, FM22.D and FM 23.D)
- Introduction of MiMiMjMj
Res. 15 EC-XXII (Oct. 1970) Rec. 8 CSM-V (Jun. 1970)
Section 1 of FM 24.E is introduced
- Introduction of Section 1 of FM 24.E before the general introduction in 1975

- General introduction of FM 24.E was recommend as from 1 Jan. 1975 in Rec. 22 CSM-V and decided in Res. 14 EC-XXII. However preference for other codes over FM 24.E was recommended in Rec. 7 CSM-VI and decided in Res. 3 EC-XXVI.
Res. 15 EC-XXII (Oct. 1970)

Res. 14 EC-XXII (Oct. 1970)
Res. 3 EC-XXVI (Jun. 1974)
Rec. 23 CSM-V (Jun. 1970)
ANNEX XX (Annex to Rec.22)

Rec. 22 CSM-V (Jun. 1970)
ANNEX XX (Annex to Rec.22)
Rec. 7 CSM-VI (Jun. 1974)
1 Jan. 1968 FM 21.D, FM 22.D and FM 23.D are made (amendments to FM21.C, FM22.C and FM 23.C)
- Sea surface temperature, wind wave and swell wave
- Ship's average speed: vs
- Position: 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo are introduced
Res. 13 EC-XVIII (May 1966) Rec. 5, 9, 13, 24 and 25 CSM-IV (Mar. 1966)
1 Jan. 1964 FM 21.C, FM 22.C and FM 23.C are made (amendments to FM21.B, FM22.B and FM 23.B)
- Coding visibility at ocean weather station
- Code for reporting sea ice: (2IsEsEsRs)
- Amend the coding procedure of precipitation: 7RRtRtR
Res. 34 EC-XIV (May 1962) Rec. 26-28 CSM-III (Mar. 1962)
1 Jan. 1960 FM 23.B SHRED is made (replacement of FM 23.A)
Extended use of FM 24 SHIGY and change over to FM23.B

- Reduced type a ship report
- FM 24 be continued for a period of one year after the end of IGY
Res. 22 EC-X (Apr. 1958) Rec. 1 CSM-II (Jan. 1958)
FM 26.B SPESH is made (replacement of FM 26.A)
- Reduced type a ship report
Rec. 2 CSM-II (Jan. 1958)
amendments to notes and specifications
- A minor change in the specification for PPP
- Notes on code table for Pw
Rec.13 and 16 CSM-II (Jan. 1958)
1 Jan. 1958 modifications to technical regulations
- Use of 7RRjj (precipitation) in code form FM 21.A
- Reporting of distinct sea and swell
- Descriptive terms for wave height
- Descriptive term for ice
Res. 33 and 35 EC-IX (May 1957)
Annex to Res.35
Rec. 7, 9, 10 and 11 CMM-II (Oct. 1956)
1 Jul. 1957 FM 24 SHIGY is introduced
- A new code form for the International Geophysical Year (Jul. 1957 - Dec. 1958)
Res. 36 EC-IX (May 1957) Rec. 14 CMM-II (Oct. 1956)
1 Jan. 1955 FM 21.A, FM 22.A and FM 23.A are made (amendments to FM21, FM22 and FM 23)
- Reports from light vessels
- Specifications for various codes
- Heights of waves
- Introduction of Dsvsxxx
Res. 21 EC-IV (May 1953) Rec. 8, 11, 15, 16 and 18 CSM-I (Apr. 1953)
-- inclusion of ships' call signs Res. 24 EC-IV (May 1953) Rec. 29 CSM-I (Apr. 1953)
1949 SHIP is introduced Res. 161 (CD, Washington 1947) Rec. XVI (CSWI Toronto 1947)

Met Office instructions on the use of the codes