History of FM 13-SHIP, FM 21 SHIP, FM 22 SHIP, FM 23 SHRED, FM 24 SHIP/SHIGY and FM 26 SPESH

Period of each code in effect
FM 13 SHIP1 Jan. 1982now in effect
FM 21 SHIP194931 Dec. 1981
FM 22 SHIP194931 Dec. 1981
FM 23 SHRED194931 Dec. 1981
FM 24 SHIGY1 July 195731 Dec. 1959
FM 24 SHIP1 Jan. 197231 Dec. 1981
FM 26 SPESH194931 Dec. 1981

Description of each change with resolution and recommendation

Date in effect Decription of change Resolution Recommendation
5 Nov 2003 FM 13-XII Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-XI Ext. SHIP)
- Amendment to the regulation on reporting precipitation
Res. 8 EC-LV (May 2003) Rec. 4 CBS-Ext. (02) (Dec. 2002)
3 May 2000 FM 13-XI Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-XI SHIP)
- Amendment to the regulation on reporting past-weather
Res. 8 EC-LI (May 1999) Rec. 6 CBS-Ext. (98) (Sept. 1998)
5 Nov. 1997 FM 13-XI SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-X SHIP)
- A new regulation to avoid possible confusion in the radiation groups and group 5 of section 3
Res. 4 EC-XLIX (June 1997) Rec. 7 CBS-XI (Oct. 1996)
2 Nov. 1994 FM 13-X SHIP is modified
- Add wet-bulb temp.
- Systematically report present, past weather temp., clouds and waves
- Indicate type of SST measurement
Res. 4 EC-XLV (June 1993) Rec. 9 CBS-X (Sept. 1992)
3 Nov. 1993 FM 13-X SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-IX Ext. SHIP)
- Procedure to reporting net short wave and direct solar radiation
Res. 4 EC-XLV (June 1993) Rec. 8 CBS-X (Sept. 1992)
1 Nov. 1991 FM 13-IX Ext. SHIP is made (modification to FM 13-IX SHIP)
- Pressure tendency algorithm
- Total amount of precipitation
- Actual time of observation
Res. 8 EC-XLIII (May 1991) Rec. 13 CBS Ext. (90) (Sept. 1990)
1 Nov. 1989 FM 13-IX SHIP is made (modification to FM 13-VIII Ext. SHIP)
- Snow-depth data
- Precipitation data
- Daily amount of evaporation (evapotranspiration), net-radiation and duration of sunshine data
Res. 1 EC-XL (June 1988) Rec. 12 CBS-IX (Jan. 1988)
1 Nov. 1987 FM 13-VIII Ext. SHIP is made (amendments to FM 13-VII SHIP)
- Broaden use of N = /
- Present weather from automatic ship stations
- Identifiers of ocean platform such as drilling, oil and gas rigs
- Wave height in reports from automatic ship stations
Res. 4 EC-XXXVIII (June 1986) Rec. 5, 10 CBS Ext. (85) (Oct. 1985)
1 Jan. 1984 FM 13-VII SHIP is modified
- Improvements in the regulations, notes and specifications
Res. 4 EC-XXXV (May 1983) Rec. 6 CBS-VIII (Jan. 1983)
1 Jan. 1982 FM 13-VII SHIP is introduced (deletion of FM 21-V SHIP, FM 22-V SHIP, FM 23-V SHRED and FM 24-V SHIP)
- Common code for reporting surface observations from different types of surface station
Res. 5 EC-XXXI (May 1979) Rec. 14 CBS-VII (Nov. 1978)
Annex to Rec.14
1 Jan. 1979 FM 21-V SHIP, FM 22-V SHIP and FM 23-V SHRED are amended
- Revision of ice group
Res. 3 EC-XXIX (May 1977) Rec. 9 CBS Ext. (76) (Nov. 1976)
Axxen to Rec.9
1 Jan. 1978 FM 21-V SHIP, FM 22-V SHIP, FM 23-V SHRED and FM 24-V SHIP are amended
- Revision of the notes on the codes Res. 3 EC-XXIX (May 1977)
Rec. 12 CBS Ext. (76) (Nov. 1976)
1 Jan. 1972 FM 21.E, FM 22.E and FM 23.E are made (amendments to FM21.D, FM22.D and FM 23.D)
- Introduction of MiMiMjMj
Res. 15 EC-XXII (Oct, 1970) Rec. 8 CSM-V (June 1970)
Section 1 of FM 24.E is introduced
- Introduction of Section 1 of FM 24.E before the general introduction in 1975

- General introduction of FM 24.E was recommend as from 1 Jan. 1975 in Rec. 22 CSM-V and decided in Res. 14 EC-XXII. However preference for other codes over FM 24.E was recommended in Rec. 7 CSM-VI and decided in Res. 3 EC-XXVI.

Res. 15 EC-XXII (Oct. 1970)

Res. 14 EC-XXII (Oct. 1970)
Res. 3 EC-XXVI (June 1974)

Rec. 23 CSM-V (June 1970)
ANNEX XX (Annex to Rec.22)

Rec. 22 CSM-V (June 1970)
ANNEX XX (Annex to Rec.22)
Rec. 7 CSM-VI (June 1974)

1 Jan. 1968 FM 21.D, FM 22.D and FM 23.D are made (amendments to FM21.C, FM22.C and FM 23.C)
- Sea surface temperature, wind wave and swell wave
- Shipfs average speed: vs
- Position: 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo are introduced
Res. 13 EC-XVIII (May 1966) Rec. 5, 9, 13, 24 and 25 CSM-IV (Mar. 1966)
1 Jan. 1964 FM 21.C, FM 22.C and FM 23.C are made (amendments to FM21.B, FM22.B and FM 23.B)
- Coding visibility at ocean weather station
- Code for reporting sea ice: (2IsEsEsRs)
- Amend the coding procedure of precipitation: 7RRtRtR
Res. 34 EC-XIV (May 1962) Rec. 26-28 CSM-III (Mar. 1962)
1 Jan. 1960 FM 23.B SHRED is made (replacement of FM 23.A)
Extended use of FM 24 SHIGY and change over to FM23.B

- Reduced type a ship report
- FM 24 be continued for a period of one year after the end of IGY
Res. 22 EC-X (April 1958) Rec. 1 CSM-II (Jan. 1958)
FM 26.B SPESH is made (replacement of FM 26.A)
- Reduced type a ship report
Rec. 2 CSM-II (Jan. 1958)
amendments to notes and specifications
- A minor change in the specification for PPP
- Notes on code table for Pw
Rec.13 and 16 CSM-II (Jan. 1958)
1 Jan. 1958 modifications to technical regulations
- Use of 7RRjj (precipitation) in code form FM 21.A
- Reporting of distinct sea and swell
- Descriptive terms for wave height
- Descriptive term for ice
Res. 33 and 35 EC-IX (May 1957)
Annex to Res.35
Rec. 7, 9, 10 and 11 CMM-II (Oct. 1956)
1 July 1957 FM 24 SHIGY is introduced
- A new code form for the International Geophysical Year (July 1957 ? Dec. 1958)
Res. 36 EC-IX (May 1957) Rec. 14 CMM-II (Oct. 1956)
1 Jan. 1955 FM 21.A, FM 22.A and FM 23.A are made (amendments to FM21, FM22 and FM 23)
- Reports from light vessels
- Specifications for various codes
- Heights of waves
- Introduction of Dsvsxxx
Res. 21 EC-IV (May 1953) Rec. 8, 11, 15, 16 and 18 CSM-I (April 1953)
-- inclusion of shipsf call signs Res. 24 EC-IV (May 1953) Rec. 29 CSM-I (April 1953)
1949 SHIP is introduced Res. 161 (CD, Washington 1947) Rec. XVI (CSWI Toronto 1947)