Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004


Theme 1: Applications / Research
(research and operational applications; case studies)

-1- Moored Buoy Observations and Its Significance in Indian Seas, K. Premkumar, Tata Sudhakar, D. Rajasekhar, G. Rajesh, NIOT Chennai
(abstract, presentation)

-2- The Application of ARGO Data to BCC-GOADS, Yimin Liu, Renhe Zhang, Yonhhong Yin (National Climate Centre, China)
(abstract, presentation)

-3- Monsoon-driven Variations of Indian Ocean Currents, Rick Lumpkin (NOAA)
(abstract, presentation)

-4- Application of the ARGO and TAO data in improving the subsurface entrainment temperature parameterization in the Zebiak-Cane Ocean model, Yonghong Yin, Renhe Zhang, Li Shi, Tao Niu (Chinese Academy Met Sciences)
(abstract, presentation)

-5- Role of moored buoy data in wave modelling for the north Indian Ocean, P Vethamony, K Sudeesh, Rupali P, MT Babu, S Jayakumar, NIOT
(abstract, presentation)

-6- Relationships of SVP-B/W and QSCAT Data in Atlantic Hurricanes, Peter Niiler, Bill Scuba, Jan Morzel (Scripps Institute et al)
(abstract, presentation)

-7- The Experience from the Marine Monitoring and Forecasting System in Spain Using the Seawatch Partnership, Peter Schjolberg (Fugro Oceanor, Norway)
(abstract, presentation)

-8- Performance of Data Buoy During Cyclone Season of Pre-monsoon 2004, S.C. Bhan & S.K. Subramanian, NIOT
(abstract, presentation)

Theme 2: Operations 
(evaluation / analysis of performance; trials; data communications and data assimilation; performance benchmarking; new systems and practices.)

-9- NOAA’s Office of Climate Observation, Diane Stanitski, OCO, NOAA
(abstract, presentation)

-10- NOAA Contribution to Global Drifter Program, Craig Engler, GDC
(No abstract, presentation)

E-SURFMAR: a Surface Marine Observation Programme in the North Atlantic and Adjacent Seas, Pierre Blouch, Frank Grooters, KNMI (presenter)
(abstract, presentation)

-12- Lifetime Statistics of Most Recent Drifter Developments, Rick Lumpkin, Mayra Pazos (NOAA/AOML)
(abstract, presentation)

Theme 3: Vision, Possibilities, Tech. Developments
(Vision / Possibilities / Technological Developments – potential or demand for new or improved technology and network performance; and developments in buoys / instruments)

-13- Further Refinements in the Use of Iridium for Polar Applications, David Meldrum, Duncan Mercer, SAMS
(abstract, presentation)

-14- SVP-Barometer Drifter Performance – Product Performance and Developments, Jeff Wigenroth, Technocean Inc
(abstract, presentation)

-15- Argos 3 The Next Generation, Bill Woodward, SAI, Christian Ortega, CLS,
(abstract, presentation)

-16- INMARSAT Mini C System for Buoy Communication and Tracking Applications, Mr. Ashok Bharti
(abstract, presentation)

-17- Upgrades to the Metocean SVP/BP Buoy, Bernie Petolas, Metocean
(abstract, presentation)

-18- INSAT Satellite Based Data Collection & Tracking System For Ocean Data Buoys, S N Satashia, Prem Kuma, M Jayamani, Tata Sudhakar, NIOT
(abstract, presentation)

-19- Development of SVP-Drifter for More Data at Lower Cost, Dr Sergei Motyzhev, Ukraine
(abstract, presentation, document, Navoceano use of storm data)

-20- Iridium GTS Data Processing, Bill Woodward, Christian Ortega, SAI, CLS
(abstract, presentation)

-21- Development of the TRIAXYS Directional Wave Buoy, Don Bryan, AXYS Environmental Systems
(abstract, presentation)