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Change Management for Manuals Help

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Statusclosed closed
Manual Manual on WIS
Committee IPET-DD
Proposal identifier MM24
Stage Reached
Procedure Simple (Fast Track)
Description Seventeenth Congress resolution 8.1(2)/1 introduced an information exchange framework for information relevant to GFCS. It introduced three categories of IPR constraint that need to be recorded in WMO_DataLicenseCode. Data essential for GFCS without restrictions; data volunteered by Members without restrictions and data volunteered by Members with restrictions. See the Contress resolution for the correct phrasing.
Proposer Secretariat
Target Release MM34
Associated proposals
Documents Congress document Cg-17-d08-1(2)-REV2-SUPPORT-IMPLEMENTATION-GFCS-approved-en.docx
Email sforeman at
Name Steve Foreman
Lead expert
Change Type
LastModif Wednesday 21 of February, 2018 13:11:41 CET