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Change Management for Manuals Help

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Statusclosed closed
Manual Manual on WIS
Committee IPET-MDRD
Proposal identifier MM21
Stage Reached 8 = Implemented
Procedure Simple (Fast Track)
Description Make the definition of spaceWeather in the WMO Core Profile code list consistent with the definition proosed for/agreed by Cg-17. The definition in the document prepared for Cg-17 is:

Space Weather is defined here as the physical and phenomenological state of the natural space environment including the sun, the solar wind, the magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the thermosphere, and its interaction with the Earth.

but this will need to be checked for changes during Congress.
Proposer Secretariat
Target Release
Associated proposals Include in M22 release package
Email sforeman at
Name Steve Foreman
Lead expert
Change Type Detail
LastModif Thursday 15 of October, 2015 17:10:29 CEST