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Tracker: Change Management for Manuals

Status of proposals for changes to the Manual on Codes, Manual on GTS, Manual on WIS and to related Guides.
Items found: 22
Manual OPAG CommitteeInvert Sort Proposal identifier Stage Reached Procedure Description Proposer Target Release Associated proposals Documents Email Name Change Type lastModif Coms atts
open Manual on GTS Vol 1 ISS IPET-CM MM43 Implemented Simple (Fast Track) ICAO Amendment 77 to Annex 3/Vol II introduces XML representations of Advisories for Tropical Cyclones and Volcanic Ash and... ICAO 1 November 2016 sforeman at Steve Foreman Package Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:55 CEST 3 List Attachments 3
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM51 Approved Simple (Fast Track) Introduce sub-release 2.1.1 of iwxxm and its supporting environment. This sub-release does not change the schemas and all... TT-AvXML sixth meeting iwxxm 2.1.1 mark.hedley at Mark Hedley Tue 10 of Apr, 2018 11:36 CEST 1 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM42 Undecided Provide a mechanism for describing requirements on users of information (such as attribution, payments) in the WIS metadata... IPET-MDRD toyoda at Eizi Toyoda Detail Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:54 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM45 Proposal received Undecided ICAO Air Navigation Commission Amendments to Annex 3 Item 20401. ICAO ICAO AN-WP/9098 (early version of draft proposal)- Elios DocID 05600/2017. nhalsey at Neil Halsey Detail Tue 14 of Feb, 2017 09:00 CET 1 List Attachments 2
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM6 Undecided Add completeness of dataset to quality description as optional element TT-WMD sforeman at S Foreman Mon 29 of May, 2017 10:03 CEST 1 List Attachments 1
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM7 Undecided Expand use of Scope of Distribution keyword Japan toyoda at E Toyoda Mon 29 of May, 2017 10:02 CEST 1 List Attachments 1
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM13 Undecided For those datasets that are produced as routine and contain observations, indicate the delay between the nominal time of the... TT-WMD W-M-MM13-0-0-Timeliness_en sforeman at Steve Foreman Mon 29 of May, 2017 10:00 CEST 0 List Attachments 1
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM46 Proposal received Simple (Fast Track) Add Atmospheric constituents as proposed by TT-ACV to the WIGOS metadata tables on CAS/TT-ACV Spreadsheet of proposals will be attached to this change request. m.schultz at Martin Schultz Detail Mon 29 of May, 2017 08:54 CEST 0 List Attachments 1
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM47 Proposal received Simple (Fast Track) Code tables supporting WIGOS metadata data representation and the WIGOS metadata standard. See attachments. TT-WMD lfnumes at Luis Nunes Tue 30 of May, 2017 13:39 CEST 0 List Attachments 2
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM48 Proposal received Simple (Fast Track) Following a decision by ICAO MetP/WG-MIE-3, check that IWXXM reports validate if they contain only the minimum content... ICAO IWXXM 3 sforeman at Steve Foreman Detail Wed 12 of Jul, 2017 20:45 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM26 Proposal received Exceptional Can the Data Format be encoded as an entry from a code list (ie introduce a code list of formats). This code list would also... TT-WMD joerg.klausen at Joerg Klaussen Detail Tue 10 of Apr, 2018 11:51 CEST 2 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM29 Undecided Combine code lists for WIS metadata and WIGOS metadata where appropriate (for example lists of parameter names) - and should... TT-WMD sforeman at Steve Foreman Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:57 CEST 1 List Attachments 0
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM49 Proposal received Undecided Introduce significant weather charts into IWXXM (high and medium level) without preventing future inclusion of low level... ICAO WG-MIE IWXXM 3 sforeman at Steve Foreman Detail Wed 12 of Jul, 2017 20:15 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM30 Undecided Introduce a hierarchy into code list items. Users of the WIGOS metadata interface find it very difficult to find code list... TT-WMD sforeman at Steve Foreman Detail Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:57 CEST 1 List Attachments 0
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM50 Proposal received Undecided Implement IWXXM 3 to support the changes to ICAO Annex 3 in Amendment 79. ICAO IWXXM 3 Includes: sforeman at Steve Foreman Package Wed 12 of Jul, 2017 20:22 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM31 Undecided Is it possible to create a hierarchy of metadata records so that search can be made simpler by returning fewer records that... TT-GISC sforeman at Steve Foreman Detail Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:56 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM52 Proposal received Undecided Introduce guidance and standards for WIS Discovery metadata that will allow a schedule of reporting times from observing... TT-WMD guillaume.aubert at Guillaume Aubert Detail Wed 29 of Nov, 2017 08:22 CET 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on Codes Vol I.3 ISS IPET-DD MM34 Complex (At Commission Session) Introduce the data representation standard for WIGOS metadata IPET-MDRD sforeman at Steve Foreman Package Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:56 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM35 Undecided Specify a maximum length for a gmd:fileIdentifier (so that application developers can make their applications more efficient) IPET-MDRD toyoda at Eizi Toyoda Detail Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:56 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
open Manual on WIS ISS IPET-DD MM36 Undecided Develop a mapping between the descriptions of data policy in the WMO Core Profile and the GEOSS data policies (for version... IPET-MDRD toyoda at Eizi Toyoda Mon 29 of May, 2017 09:55 CEST 0 List Attachments 0
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