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WIS news

Fast track MM51 - IWXXM 2.1.1 - issued for national focal point approval Reply by 15 February 2018.

A fast track approvals procedure for WMO-No. 306 Volume I.3 started on 15 December 2017. Responses must be received from National Focal Points before |15 February 2018. If no response is received, the focal point is assumed to agree with the proposal. The amendment is labelled MM51. If approved, the amendment is expected to come into force on 15 May 2018.

This proposed amendment introduces sub-release IWXXM 2.1.1 of the XML representation of aviation information. It corrects problems that have been identified by centres implementing IWXXM that resulted in valid IWXXM messages being flagged as invalid by the schematron. Centres who reported the problem have confirmed that the amendment corrects it.

This is a fomal Fast Track consultation, and responses will only be accepted from authorized national focal points for Codes and Data Representation Matters. Other experts who wish to comment on the proposal should contact their (national focal point.)