The OPAG-ISS proposed amendment to CBS Ext 10 for Tech Reg WMO No49, Volume 1, section A3 to include WIS, along with Draft "Manual on WIS" and "Guide to WIS" version 1.0 are now available at WIS wiki pages
This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020
WIS news
News about the development of WIS.
If you have a suggestion for a news article, please do not hesitate to
contact us ( ).
Please visit the WIS wiki pages to see the latest versions of the draft update for Tech Reg 49 and for the draft Manual on WIS and Guide to WIS
The WIS Project office today published a WIS SRU Implementors Note. (SRU refers to "Search and Retrive by URL", the search service interface used in WIS.) This Implementors Note clarifies several points concerning use of SRU at WIS centers, beyond what are defined in the SRU specification itself. The objective is to maximize search interoperability, which is very important among WIS implementations. Implementors are encouraged to implement the recommendations in this WIS SRU Implementors Note.
The WIS SRU Implementors note can be downloaded here.
The WIS SRU Implementors note can be downloaded here.
A number of WIS related meetings will take place during the month of September.
More detailed information on the meetings can be found on the
WIS meetings page.
More detailed information on the meetings can be found on the
WIS meetings page.
ITU/WMO Handbook on the use of Radio Spectrum in Meteorology is now available in Arabic at: According to ITU-WMO agreement electronic version is free of charge.
The demonstration of WIS to the WMO Executive Council has started today.
Digital versions of the posters and flyers are available on the page
of the WMO EC demonstration in the WISWIKI. (scroll to the bottom to retrieve the files)
Digital versions of the posters and flyers are available on the page
of the WMO EC demonstration in the WISWIKI. (scroll to the bottom to retrieve the files)
Just as the SG-RFC celebrates new ECC recommendations that RLAN on aircraft should avoid the 5600-5650 MHz band which would have affected weather radar as well as air traffic monitoring, pressure is now being placed by industry to remove the protection on the radio frequency spectrum L-Band satellites and radio sondes (1675-1710 MHz). This highlights the need to be vigilant on the monitoring and protection of frequencies used in remote sensing of the environment. Visit the SG-RFC discussion forum on the WIS Wiki for more details.
Today DWD released additional code to the SRU2JDBC project, a software to interface existing IT systems with SRU and which was created jointly by DWD and WMO. The additional features comprise external configuration, isolation of database specific function and XML generation improvements. The contributions are provided as Open Source back to the project which can be downloaded at
The first WMO candidate GISC was successfully launched on Friday 21.5.2010 by DWD.
Representatives from DWD,WMO, international and regional partners attended the launch of the German GISC implementation.
The slides of the presentations are available at the following link:
Representatives from DWD,WMO, international and regional partners attended the launch of the German GISC implementation.
The slides of the presentations are available at the following link: