
WIS Documentation Pages

These pages are intended for knowledge transfer for building WIS centers, and publicly accessible.
So far we have documentation on

There is a forum for general technical questions about implementing WIS centers with Geonetwork and other technologies.

  • There is also a short manual on how to use the WIKI.

Updates to WMO Manuals associated with the WIS

Updates to the WMO Manuals associated with the WIS are listed on the pages for the manuals.

Authors of amendments to the Manuals are reminded that these should be based on the exact text of the Manual being updated. For the convenience of these authors, Word files of the Manuals are provided.

Data representations

Information about data representations

Other documentation

If you wish to contribute to these pages or post in the forum, please contact the WIS-PO to get an account.

There are also WIS-PO internal documentation pages. (Access limited to WIS-PO staff)
There are also WIS-PO internal documentation pages for contractors. (Access limited to WIS-PO staff & contractors)

The following links may be used to refer to the current versions of formal WIS documentation.

Rolling Review of Requirements
Functional Architecture
Technical Specifications
SRU Search
Manual on WIS
Guide to the WIS
Manual on the GTS
GTS Security
Guidelines on Data Modelling
Interim Guide on WIS Monitoring
Manual on Codes
Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49)

You might find this questionnaire a useful starting point when assessing the status of ICT infrastructure.

Choosing which email account a Google Group should send to

If a user has more than one email address associated with their Google account, Google Groups only accept one of those emails in the membership list. The user can choose which account the group should send emails to by clicking on the button that has a picture of a silhouette and cog wheel, and then choosing "Membership and email settings" from the drop-down menu.