
Submit a document to the WMO Workshop on Information Management
Please use the document and presentation templates for the meeting.

If you need to update a document, please re-submit it as a new document with the same name. The meeting organizer will use the latest version available at the time the meeting website is updated.

The form allows you to submit a document and a presentation at the same time. You may submit them separately if you wish.

Please make sure that you submit the document to the right meeting.

Meeting for which document is being submitted
Name of the person submitting the document
Agenda item as an integer (eg Agenda item 1.1 or 1.2 simply put 1).
Email address for the organizers to contact if there are queries about the document or presentation.
Document for consideration at the meeting - file.
URL from which document can be downloaded (if your document is larger than 50Mb)
URL from which the presentation may be downloaded (if it is larger than 50Mb).
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