Updating Focal Points List in Access DB

Updating Focal Points List in Access DB


  • The Contacts Database is at: S:\Admin\CONTACTS-CBS\cbs-xiv-AnticipatedWorkingAreas.mdb

Adding a Group

  1. Open Form: Create/update a Group/Team

  2. Click: Add a New Working Group

  3. Select the Work Area from the dropdown

  4. Select the DB Domain from the dropdown

  5. Create the Working Group Abbreviation

  6. Create the Full name of the Working Group

  7. Enter the creation date: m/d/yyyy

  8. Click: Save

Adding Members to a Group

  1. Open Form: Create/update a Group/Team

  2. Select: Work Group from the Search for an active Work Group (by its acronym)

  3. Enter the existing DB contacts in the CBS_Workgroups_subform

  4. Enter the cbs Person

  5. Enter the country in the Proposed by

  6. Enter the Function with CBS

Deriving a URL for the Group

The URL to the onlinke Working Group link can be obtained by:
  1. Open Form: Printouts Menu

  2. Select: the required Working Group from View the Acronyms of all the Working Groups dropdown

  3. Click: Show WEB Link

Unpublished version is at:

http://www-newdev.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/CBS/Lists_WorkGroups/{DB Domain}/{Work Area}/{Abbreviation of Working Group}

In the above URL make the following substitutions:
  • {DB Domain} = DB Domain (for the Working Group), e.g. for AMDAR-FP set {DB Domain} = "WMO co-sponsored Activity"

  • {Work Area} = Work Area (for the Working Group),  e.g. for AMDAR-FP set {Work Area} = "wmo secr"

  • {Abbreviatoin of Working Group}= Abbreviation of Working Group, e.g. for AMDAR-FP set {Abbreviation of Working Group} = "amdar-fp"

Published version will be at: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/CBS/Lists_WorkGroups/{DB Domain}/{Work Area}/{Abbreviation of Working Group}

e.g. AMDAR-FP development URL = http://www-newdev.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/CBS/Lists_WorkGroups/WMO co-sponsored Activity/wmo secr/amdar-fp

Adding/Modifying a contact In the Database

  1. Open Form: Create/update a Person's record

  2. Select: Search for records by Family Name

  3. Update Details

exporting the working group list for the web (after update to database)

  1. Open Form: Printouts Menu

  2. Select: the required Working Group from View the Acronyms of all the Working Groups dropdown

  3. Click: export CBS to WEB