TT-AvXML Teleconference 1

Task Team on Aviation XML - Teleconference 1

Date: Monday 6 February 2012
Time: 1200-1300 UTC.
(UK: 1200; Mainland Europe: 1300; Hong Kong, China: 2000; Washington DC: 0700

Access details will be posted on the TT-AvXML Group.

Chair: Enrico Fucile
Teleconference booked and controlled by: Steve Foreman

Supporting documents

These are in the attached .zip files

We have a main document to discuss
  • TT-AvXML UML derivation from TDCF.pdf

and we have an example

  • METAR example.txt
  • METAR example.xml

The full model in Enterprise Architect format is

  • MO TT-AvXML (including ISO TC211) 2012-01-30.eap

and we have other fragment examples

  • WMO TT-AvXML fragment examples.xml


The agenda is attached to this page.


The summary of the meeting are attached to this page following the meeting.