Meeting information
Report of the meeting: Final reportChair: Enrico Fucile (ECMWF)
WMO & Webex contact: Steve Foreman
Location: WebEx
Date: Wednesday 3 February 2016
Time: 1400 UTC | Duration 1h 30m
Key objectives
The primary objectives of the meeting are to:- Agree the approach to reducing the size of IWXXM messages
- Agree approach and responsibilities for adding additional report types into IWXXM.
Meeting Agenda
1. Introductory comments by Chair
2. Changes to METCE
3. Adding AIRMET, Tropical Cyclone Advisories and Volcanic Ash Advisories (expected to be in Amd 77).
4. Other changes for version 2
5. Agree responsibilities and time table
6. Any other business
Meeting details
The meeting will be held by WebEx.Meeting number: 704 944 492
Meeting password: 123456
Dial in numbers: See list on WebEx
Timetable for development of IWXXM
Product description | Due |
Final contents of 2.0 RC1 available (UML and XML schema) | 29/02/2016 |
Draft of version 2.0 RC1 published | 31/03/2016 |
Final release of pre-approval version 2.0 | 31/05/2016 |
Comments on 2.0 received from users | 30/04/2016 |
Documentation submitted to CBS-16 | 31/05/2016 |
Recommendation from CBS-16 | 30/11/2016 |
Approval by EC-69 and final definition of version 2.0/2.1 | 30/06/2017 |
Decision on proposal for Amd 78 | 31/10/2016 |
TT-AvXML to agree expected contents of 3.0 | 30/11/2017 |
TT-AvXML to agree technical details associated with contents of 3.0 | 30/11/2017 |
Version 3.0 draft issued following decision of ICAO Council | 31/03/2018 |
Comments on 3.0 received from users | 30/04/2018 |
Documentation submitted to CBS‑Ext(2018) | 31/05/2018 |
Recommendation from CBS-xx | 30/11/2018 |
Approval by EC-71 and final definition of version 3.0/3.1 | 30/06/2019 |