Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination

A meeting of the Steering Group for Radio Frequency Coordination (SG-RFC) will be hosted by Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada. It will be held from 22 to 25 January 2013, at the Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa, Canada.
Meeting Room: Boardroom 200
Start time: 9am


Chair: Jose Arimatea de Sousa Brito (Brazil)
WMO: David Thomas and Alexandre Vassiliev
Local contact: Gilles Fournier (Vice-Chair)


  • (Info01) Information for Participants
  • (Info02) Document Plan
  • (Info02 (Rev.1)) Information on SG-RFC 2013 Document Plan (Rev.1)
  • (Info03) List of Participants
  • (Doc01) Agenda for SG-RFC Meeting (2013-1) Revision 3
  • (Doc02) Report of SG-RFC Meeting Oct 2011
  • (Doc03) Draft of the WMO Strategy on Radio-Frequency Protection for Meteorology
  • (Doc04) Extracts from EC 64 Report Including Resolution 11
  • (Doc05) Extracts from Draft Report of CBS-15
  • (Doc06) Minutes of SFCG 32-nd Annual Meeting **
  • (Doc07) Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG) Objectives for WRC-15
  • (Doc08) SFCG RESOLUTION 32-1 Objectives for WRCs **
  • (Doc09) Short Report on WRC-12 Results
  • (Doc10) Preliminary List of WRC-15 Agenda Items WMO Interest-Concerns
  • (Doc11) Outcomes of Extraordinary Session of WMC (Congress Ext 2012)
  • (Doc12, (Annex)) NTIA Report on Interference to Radars in the Band 2700–2900 MHz
  • (Doc13) EUMETNET Preliminary Position on WRC-15 AIs (28 November 2012)
  • (Doc14) Working Document towards Draft WMO Preliminary Position on WRC-15 Agenda **
  • (Doc15) Report on Issues Related to Lightning Detection
  • (Doc16) Report on Cooperation with GEO
  • (Doc17) WMO Letter to FCC on Modification of LightSquared Autorization
  • (Doc18) WMO Comments to FCC on Allocation 1675-1680 MHz for Terrestrial Mobile Use
  • (Doc19) Report on APT Preparation for WRC-15 **
  • (Doc20) Report on Radiosonde Issues
  • (Doc21 Rev 02) Organization of SG-RFC
  • (Doc22) Report on African Group Preparation to WRC-15
  • (Doc23) Report on SG-RFC Activities in the ITU
  • (Doc24) Report on EESS (active) Issues
  • (Doc25) Report on RCC Preparation for WRC-15 **
  • (Doc26) Report on MetSat Issues
  • (Doc27) Information on CIMO Activities in Radio-Frequency Coordination (Rev.1)
  • (Doc28) ESA Concerns Related to the Band 5 350-5 470 MHz
  • (Doc29) Email from JCOMM on HF Radar issues **
  • (Doc30) WMO Preliminary Position on WRC-15 Agenda
  • (Final Report) v01

Please propose agenda items and submit papers to David Thomas

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