Planning and Preparatory Meeting Geneva September 2011

AMDAR Planning and Preparatory Meeting, 22 September 2011, Geneva


  1. AMDAR Panel and ET-AIR Meeting
    1. Attendance of Vice-chair
    2. Agenda and Document Plan
    3. ToR
    4. Biennial Meetings
    5. WVSS International Project
    6. Travel and hotel
  2. Mexico Regional AMDAR Workshop
    1. Agenda
    2. Travel and hotel
  3. E-AMDAR TAG-18 Participation (17-19 October 2011, Offenbach, Germany)
  4. Review/Action Items from De Bilt Meeting - Minutes
  5. AMDAR BUFR Template Validation
  6. AMDAR Projects and Tasks
    1. Generic AMDAR Software Specification
    2. AMDAR Manual for Aviation
    3. Global AMDAR Coverage Study
    4. Metadata Management
    5. Global AMDAR Programme Statistics
      1. South African data issue resolved
      2. Korean data
  7. AMDAR Panel Planning
  9. ARINC's role
  10. Data Management Experts Meeting
  11. How to deal with ADS Data?
  12. Quarterly Newsletter
  13. AEEC ARINC 620 Update
    1. Status of Update and following steps
    2. Lack of information on EDR/Turbulence
    3. Attendance at AEEC DLK SC, New Jersey
    4. Integration of ARINC Met. Report spec into ARINC 633
  14. Cooperation with Stewart (E-AMDAR)
  15. B777 Software Development



Panel and ET-AIR Chairman, Frank Grooters
SO/ARO, Dean Lockett
Chief Observations Systems Division, Miroslav Ondras

1. AMDAR Panel and ET-AIR Meeting
1.1 Attendance of Vice-chair

  1. Action: F.Grooters to write an email to WMO to advise that both Carl Weiss and David Helms will be offered financial support to attend the AMDDAR Panel Meeting Session 14.
  2. Action: D.Lockett to ensure that WMO formally advises USA PR of support and adjusts Meeting Form as necessary.

1.2 Agenda and Document Plan

  1. Action: F.Groogers to address the KLM business case under item 4.5.2
  2. Action: F.Grooters to ensure that the election of officers agenda items is carried out near the end of day 2. D.Lockett to ensure that, if F.Grooters is re-elected Chairman that the Panel considers a recommendation to request that KNMI continue to provide administrative support to the Chairman.
  3. Action: D.Lockett to make the following changes to the Doc Plan and agenda:
    1. Item 3 to become AMDAR Programme Status
    2. Agenda item 3.2 to include a section on the changing/evolutionary status of the AMDAR Programme including the possible migration of the AMDAR Panel activities over to the ET-AIR by 2014.
    3. UK report to be moved in the order to come after E-AMDAR report.
    4. Item 4.2.1 should address the need for the Panel to approve a recommendation that the Panel TF should be used to support the funding of the AeroMexico programme commencement and also to continue to be the source of payments via input from Mexico.
    5. Item 4.4.2 to be changed to be a submission by the Secretariat reminding of the requirement that AMDAR data meets Res. 40 and that AMDAR data is to become public domain property after 48 hours. This item should include the tabling of the draft Data Agreement template to be reviewed by the Panel.
    6. Item 4.4.1 to include addressing the issues of: a) the format for transmission of ADS data; b) The establishment of an global email group for exchange of information and reporting on AMDAR data issues; c) Address the issue of aircraft ID of Korean aircraft.
    7. 4.5 to be WMO Aircraft Observations Website.
    8. 4.5.3 (Aviation Industry Interaction) to address the issues of a) Airbus software development and WVSS integration; b) Raising the matter of the possible hosting of an Aviation conference on AMDAR in 2012 to address the issue of aviation support for the AMDAR Programme, water vapour measurement and the maintaining of aircraft data in the public domain.
    9. Ensure that 6.3 includes: a) a recommendation that CBS makes AMDAR a Programme under the WWW; b) A recommendation that the AMDAR Programme becomes fully integrated into CBS in 2014, which may include the migration of the Trust Fund to the CBS AMDAR Programme and the full transfer of the AMDAR Work Programme to ET-AIR; c) A recommendation that water vapour measurement capacity as a component of aircraft observations is supported by CBS.

1.3 ToR

  1. Action: F.Grooters to ensure that the updated ToR from the 2011 MG Meeting including the changes to the Membership criteria are included for Panel Member review under item 5.3

1.4 Biennial Meetings

  1. Action: D.Lockett to address the issue of biennial meetings under item 4.7 or 5.3

1.5 WVSS International Project

  1. Action: D.Lockett to ensure that item 4.6.1 addresses:
    1. The tabling of the FAAM report and recommendations associated with it.
    2. Pending the acceptance by the Panel that the WVSS-II system is considered to meet operational requirements, the need to endorse the STSG making a recommendation to CIMO that the sensor is added to the CIMO Guide - probably through the submission of a paper by the STSG. CIMO rapporteur A.Hoff to make the representation to CIMO.
    3. AMDAR Panel Statement of Support for water vapour measurement by the Panel and a recommendation that CBS endorse the SoS.
    4. The production of a statement on the current status of the WVSS-II test process
    5. A recommendation that AMDAR Programme Managers implement WV measurement programmes.
    6. A recommendation that other manufacturers seek to produces WV sensors that meet WMO requirements.

1.6 Travel and hotel

No action.

2. Mexico Regional AMDAR Workshop

2.1 Agenda

  1. Action: F.Grooters and D.Lockett to contact C.Weiss and D.Helms to ascertain status of contact and participation with USA presenters
  2. Action: D.Lockett to follow up on official invitations.

2.2.Travel and hotel

  1. Action: D.Lockett to complete travel arrangements and provide to F.Grooters.

3. E-AMDAR TAG-18 Participation (17-19 October 2011, Offenbach, Germany)

  1. Action: D.Lockett to make plans to attend TAG.
  2. Action: F.Grooters to cover agenda items for S.Taylor as required.

4. Review/Action Items from De Bilt Meeting - Minutes

  • Review was made. Nearly all actions completed.

5. AMDAR BUFR Template Validation

  1. Action: D.Lockett to provide update to Panel via item 4.1.1

6. AMDAR Projects and Tasks

6.1 Generic AMDAR Software Specification

  1. Action: D.Lockett to:
    1. Report to the Panel under item 4.1.6
    2. Request that the MG approves the formation of an SSA with the recommended contractor.
    3. Progress the SSA.

6.2 AMDAR Manual for Aviation

  1. Action: D.Lockett to seek an EOI and a quotation from potential Canadian contractor via G.Fournier.

6.3 Global AMDAR Coverage Study

  1. Action: D.Lockett to provide DoWs to other potential contractors and seek EoIs and quotations.

6.4 Metadata Management

  1. Action: D.Lockett to:
    1. provide input to item 4.1.2 in S.Taylor's absence;
    2. make recommendation that metadata is addressed under the Strategy for the Development of a Data Quality Management Framework for AMDAR;
    3. make recommendations for the review of the metadata sets and their division into, minimum required, data management and complete.

6.5 Global AMDAR Programme Statistics

6.5.1 South African data issue resolved

  • No action

6.5.2 Korean data

  1. Action: D.Lockett to ensure this issue is addressed under AP-14 item 4.4.1

7.AMDAR Panel Planning

  • See item 1.4


  1. Action: D.Lockett to ensure that the IP is reviewed and that recommendations are made under items 4.7.1 and 6.

9. ARINC's role

  1. Action: D.Lockett to contact Al Homans regarding attendance at AP-14 and the Workshop and invite participation (for AP-14 under Other Business).

10. Data Management Experts Meeting

  1. Action: F.Grooters to discuss with Jitze the need to address the following items at AP-14:
    1. The presentation of a Strategy for the Development of a DQF for AMDAR;
    2. A recommendation to the panel to support the organisation of a meeting of data management experts in 1st quarter of 2012 to address:
      1. Global data quality management strategy;
      2. Global data archive;
      3. Metadata management;
      4. ADS data management.

11. How to deal with ADS Data?

  1. Action: This issue to be dealt with chiefly by the Project Leader on Improvement in Data Exchange and Quality Control.
  2. Action: D.Lockett to ensure that AP-14 item 4.4 deals with this issue and considers making the following recommendations:
    1. The action is dealt with by the expert meeting of data managers in 2012;
    2. The Panel requests ICAO to remove all ADS data from the GTS until such time as:
      1. A standard data format is prescribed by WMO (Panel);
      2. Satisfactory QC methods are specified by WMO and complied with by ICAO;
      3. BUFR format is utilised for transmission of ADS data on the GTS;
      4. ADS data is only transmitted as long as the data is identifiable against an aircraft ID;
      5. A strategy for putting the data onto the GTS is specified and adopted by WMO including consideration of a set of designated global data centres (1 to 3) having responsibility for QC and GTS transmission.

12. Quarterly Newsletter

  1. Action: D.Lockett to proceed with compilation of inaugural newsletter.
  2. Action: F.Grooters to provide a introductory item including reference to the Joint AMDAR Meeting and the Mexico Regional AMDAR Workshop.

13. AEEC ARINC 620 Update

13.1 Status of Update and following steps

  1. Action: D.Lockett to continue to progress the update process.

13.2 Lack of information on EDR/Turbulence

David Helms was contacted and has committed to assisting in obtaining the EDT information.

  1. Action: D.Helms to contact Gary Blackburn from UCAR re provision of: a) Detailed EDR algorithm description; b) EDR ground QC algorithm description; c) ACMS EDR code and code description running on Delta.

13.3 Attendance at AEEC DLK SC, New Jersey

  1. Action: D.Lockett to attend AEEC DLK SC by teleconference if possible.

13.4 Integration of ARINC Met. Report spec into ARINC 633

  1. Action: D.Lockett to include this in medium-term plan for AMDAR Work Programme.

14. Cooperation with Stewart (E-AMDAR)

No Action.

15. B777 Software Development

  1. Action: F.Grooters to ensure that a recommendation is made to the AP-14 for the B777 software to be developed through Air France with costs to be shared by E-AMDAR and the Panel.
  2. Action: F.Grooters to address the possibility of the Australian development of software for Embraer 190 to be co-sponsored by the Panel to ensure that the software is available for global application.

Other Business:

16. M.Ondras cited the lack of documentation clearly explaining the procedures and processes to be undertaken in the development of prospective AMDAR programmes.

  1. Action: D.Lockett to ensure this is included in the medium-term AMDAR Work Programme with a task to develop a DoW for this task.
