METCE 1.0 RC1 - Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions (FAQs)

This page will be updated to publish clarifications on AvXML v1.0-RC1.

Consolidated list of issues raised in feedback

Link to Consolidated list of issues.

When I click on a http://data.wmo.int link the target is not there.

In RC1, the URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) are indicated using http://data.wmo.int/..... This is purely for illustration.

TT-AvXML hopes to implement a full URI system by RC2. This will use a different "domain name" component of the URI and the mecahnism will be in place for the URIs to resolve to web pages. The release notes will state whether the URI system used in that release is still indicative, or whether true (permanent) URIs are used.

Although the mechanism will be in place, it is likely that some of the editorial work needed to populate the URLs that correspond to the URIs will not be completed until some time after RC2 is released.