M Ondras Email re AMDAR BUFR Template

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Miroslav Ondras <mondras@wmo.int> wrote:
Dear AMDAR Panel members.

Further to my message regarding the Final Report of the above meeting, you have found out that it contains a new proposal for AMDAR BUFR Template, which AMDAR community was working on the last two years. AMDAR Panel tried to involve as much as possible experts from different AMDAR programmes and I wish to thank all who collaborated in the development of this new Template.

This Template was reviewed (and adapted) by IPET-DRC for consistency with the BUFR regulations and now this template has to be validated before it can be submitted for the final approval by CBS Commission in autumn 2012. If we wish to catch this CBS session, AMDAR community has to validate the new template and results should be provided to the next meeting of the IPET-DRC. This means, validation should be done within cca 6 months.

The AMDAR MG proposed that E-AMDAR (Stuart Taylor), US-AMDAR (David Helms) and European Quality Evaluation Centre (Jitze van der Meulen) together with IPET-DRC (Eva Cervena) and ECMWF (Milan Dragosavac) should, as a minimum, take part in the validation process. participation of other experts are welcomed.

To start the validation process, we need to have data sets to encode and decode. One set of data was developed by Eva (see attached) that you should test in your systems. Even, if Eva tried her best, the attached AMDAR BURF report may not be fully complete or fully accurate. It is, therefore, important that some of you prepare real data sets for validation purposes. If real data would not be possible for all variables, then simulation data will do.

The purpose of the e-mail is to seek confirmation of the persons who wish to take part in the validation process and persons who can perepare real/simulation data sets.

In order to start the validation process, I request your confirmation by the end of April.

1. New proposal from AMDAR BUFR Template
2. BUFR data set prepared by Dr Cervena

Best regards,
