Welcome to the Inter-commission Coordination Group on WIS(ICG-WIS) pages.

This page contains a link to:
  1. An open ICG-WIS discussion forum (readable publicly, Wiki-users can post)
  2. WIS guidelines developers discussion forum (readable and writable by Wiki-users)
  3. ET-WISC technical discussion forum (readable publicly and writable by Wiki-users)


  1. Link to the ICG-WIS meeting on 1 Oct 2010 in Geneva
  2. Link to the ICG-WIS 6th session 22-26 Feb 2010 in Seoul
  3. Link to the ICG-WIS meeting 23-24 Nov 2009 in Geneva
  4. Link to the ICG adhoc Working Group 21-23 Jan 2009 in Geneva
  5. Link to the ICG-WIS 5th session 14-17 July 2008 in Brasilia
  6. Link to the ICG-WIS 4th session 4-7 Sep 2008 in Reading
  7. Link to the ICG-WIS 3rd session from 5-8 Sep 2006 in Beijing

Other information

Should you want to be notified of a new comment, please monitor the corresponding page by clicking on the eye symbol in the top-right corner of each page.

This area can be read by all users and ICG-WIS members can contribute by adding comments.

Documentation Pages
  1. WIS Home Page .
  2. Documentation and Reports from ICG-WIS meetings .
  3. Overview of WIS reference documentation.
  4. WIS Project and Implementation Plan.
  5. WIS Functional Architecture .
  6. WIS Desgination Procedures.
  7. WIS Compliance Specifications for GISC, DCPC and NC .
  8. WIS User Requirements .
  9. Documentation of SRU and related technologies .