Meeting 2013

ET WISC Meeting Page (15-18 July 2013)



Expert Team on WIS Centres (ET-WISC)

Beijing, China. 15-18 July 2013

Chairperson : Li Xiang
Secretariat Contact: David Thomas
Local Coordinator: Li Xiang


Core members of ET-WISC and Countries identified by Congress XVI as GISCs will be sent an official invitation. Associate members are also welcome to register by submitting a form to the Director of WIS (
Upon receipt of a request, the secretariat will coordinate with the chair to arrange for an invitation to be sent to the member's WMO Permanent Representative requesting participation of the member.


  • 19 April - Invitations sent and visitors information loaded.
  • 27 April - Draft agenda provided
  • 30 June - Reminder sent to ET-WISC to submit documents
  • 03 July - Info 3 (Doc Plan) updated. Over 20 Documents now online.
  • 27 Oct - Draft Final Report- v01
  • 13 Dec - Final Report

Reference material

ET-WISC Task Team Structure

Task Team Members TOR Full Name of Task Team
* WISC/TT-CAC List of Members Terms of Reference Task Team on Centre Audit-Certification
* WISC/TT- DC List of Members Terms of Reference Task Team on Data Centres
* WISC/TT-GISC List of Members Terms of Reference Task Team on GISCs
* WISC/TT-OM List of Members Terms of Reference Task Team on WIS Operations and Monitoring


  1. Opening and working arrangements
  2. Structure and Terms of Reference of ET-WISC and Task Teams
  3. Review of WIS implementation
  4. Review of the technical and operational specifications for WIS centres
  5. Further develop the technical and operational specifications for WIS centres
  6. Review of WIS monitoring activities
  7. Capacity building
  8. ET-WISC and Task Teams membership and action plans
  9. Other business
  10. Close

List of Documents received

  • Doc XX - Template for submitted documents
  • INFO 01 - Logistical Information for Participants
  • INFO 02 - List of Participants Rev 02(18 July 2013)
  • INFO 03 - Document Plan Rev 12 (19 July 2013)
  • INFO 04 - Draft WorkPlan Rev 5 (15 July 2013) (Doc allocation to AI)
  • Doc 01 - Draft Agenda -Rev 1 (7 May 2013)
  • Doc 02 - Outcome of EC-65 - AI 1.4
  • Doc 03 - Outcome of ET-GDDP 4
  • Doc 04 - Outcome of ET-OI (2012)
  • Doc 05 - Extracts from Cg XVI - AI 1.4
  • Doc 06 - Extracts from CBS XV - AI 1.4
  • Doc 07 - Identification of principal and associated GISCs - AI 3.2
  • Doc 08 - Report TT-CAC - AI 3.3
  • Doc 09 - Report ET-CTS - AI 3.4 & 4.5
  • Doc 10 - WWW monitoring - AI 6.1
  • Doc 11r1 - Status Report - Hong Kong - AI 3.1 (17 July)
  • Doc 12 - Media types - AI 4.4
  • Doc 13 - File naming - AI 4.4
  • Doc 14 - SRU in WIS (pptx)- AI 5.4
  • Doc 15r1 - NC Demonstration Test Cases - AI 6.3, 6.4 (17 July)
  • Doc 16r2 - Work plan - TT-CAC - AI 8.1 (18 July)
  • Doc 17r1 - ppt - Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) - AI 3.7, 3.8, 5.4 & 5.8
  • Doc 18 - WMO Tech Regs, Manuals and Guides - AI 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4
  • Doc 19r1 - User Interface - AI 5.7
  • Doc 20 - WIS Competencies - AI 7.1
  • Doc 21 - RA-II/V WIS Application Pilot Project (JMA) - AI 3.7
  • Doc 23 - Rev 1 (8 July)-WIS - GEOSS Interoperability (DWD) - AI 5.8
  • Doc 24 - GISC Workshops&Training Activities (JMA) - AI 7.3
  • Doc 25 - Appendix - WIS Testbeds - AI 6.4
  • Doc 26 - GISC Tokyo Subscription Manager for Windows - AI 5.3
  • Doc 27 - System and Performance Monitoring of GISC Tokyo - AI 6.3
  • Doc 28 - Status Report RTH Nairobi - AI 3.1, 3.5 & 3.6
  • Doc 29 - Metadata Synchronization Guideline - AI 5.1
  • Doc 30 - Status Report - EUMETSAT - AI 3.1
  • Doc 31r1 - Relevance of Implementation of Data Access Policies in WIS - AI 5.6
  • Doc 32r1 - Interoperability Principles - AI 5.8
  • Doc 33r1 - End User Requirements on WIS monitoring and reporting - AI 6.0
  • Doc 34 - Status Report JMA - AI 3.1
  • Doc 35 - GTS/RMDCN Status Report JMA - AI 3.5
  • Doc 36r2 - Report TT ApMD - AI 4.6
  • Doc 37 - Report IPET-DRMM - AI 4.7
  • Doc 38 - Metadata Management (CMA) - AI 5.2
  • Doc 39 - Metadata Synchronization - AI 5.1
  • Doc 40r1 - Status Report Russia - AI 3.1
  • Doc 41 - GISC Moscow capacity building activities - AI 7.3
  • Doc 42 - OpenSource Tools for WIS - AI 3.7
  • Doc 43r1 - Metadata Management Services (KMA) - AI 5.2 17 July
  • Doc 44 - Expert Emulator for GTS Abbreviated Headers and File Names - AI 5.7
  • Doc 45r1 - System and Performance Monitoring of GISC Moscow - AI 6.3
  • Doc 46r2 - (ppt) - Practical experiences with WIS centres implementations AI 3.7, 3.8
  • Doc 47 - Status report RTH Wellington. AI 3.1
  • Doc 48 - Status report GISC Washington. AI 3.1
  • Doc 49 - Plugin feature of WIS discovery catalogue search interface AI 5.4
  • Doc 50 - Migration to TDCF (CMA) AI 6.2
  • Doc 51 - Integrated quantitative WWW monitoring analysis (IQWMA) AI 6.1
  • Doc 52 - Moscow report on GTS AMDCN AI 3.5
  • Doc 53 - Status report GISC Beijing AI 3.1
  • Doc 54r1 - Membership and action plan TT-OM AI 8.4
  • Doc 55 - Search AI 5.4
  • Doc 56 - The Difference of file format of data files from GISC cache AI 5.4
  • Doc 57 - Access Analysis of GISC Tokyo’s search pages AI 5.4
  • Doc 58 - Status Report - GISC Offenbach AI 3.1, 3.5, 7.3
  • Doc 59 - TORs for ET-WISC Task Teams AI 2, 8
  • Doc 60 (ppt)- GTS AMDCN Toulouse current status AI 3.5
  • Doc 61 - Workshop on UK Met Office and Meteo France on vGISC AI 3.7, 7.3
  • Doc 62r1(ppt) - Current Status - GISC Toulouse AI 3.1
  • Doc 63 (ppt)- OpenWIS AI 3.7
  • Doc 65r3 - TT-GISC Action Plan AI 8.3
  • Doc 66 - vGISC Solution AI 3.7
  • Doc 67 - Capacity Building AI 7.1
  • Doc 68 - Doc Addendum - TOR and Membership AI 2
  • Doc 69 - (ppt) - Security Service, Authentication for GISC, DCPC and NC, OpenWIS Philosophy AI 5.6
  • Doc 70 - Data Policy and authorizations for GISC, DCPC and NC, OpenWIS Philosophy AI 5.6
  • Doc 71 - Status Report of GISC Casablanca (WMO Region I) AI 3.1
  • Doc 72 - Status Report Brasilia AI 3.1
  • Doc 73 - (ppt) - Status Report Rome AI 3.1
  • Doc 74 - Status Report Seoul AI 3.1
  • Doc 75 - Status Report Exeter AI 3.1
  • Doc 76 - GISC Workshop Seoul AI 7.3
  • Doc 77 - WIS centre audit/review cycles AI 5.9
  • Doc 78r3 - ET WISC Work Plan AI 8.5 (22 July)
  • Doc 79 - TT-DC Work Plan AI 8.2
  • Doc 80 - WIS implementation solutions and applications AI 3.7
  • Doc 81 - COROBOR MESSIR-WIS solution AI 3.7

*Final Report