Welcome to the CG-NERA pages
CG-NERA is part of the WMO's OPAG on Data-processing and Forecasting Systems (OPAG-DPFS). These pages are intended to be used by the group for developing documents and plans for the CG-NERA.
Terms of Reference for the CBS Coordination Group on Nuclear Emergency Response Activities (CG-NERA):
(a) Test and improve the collective ability of all RSMCs, the IAEA, the RTH Offenbach and NMHSs in the ERA to fulfil the operational requirements specified in global and regional arrangements, according to adopted standards and procedures;
(b) Implement and explore further improved distribution/access methods for specialized products to NMHSs, and the IAEA in collaboration with the IAEA and other relevant organizations;
(c) Collate the individual capabilities of RSMCs to produce enhanced products in support of nuclear emergencies, including ensemble techniques;
(d) Explore the operational availability of radiological monitoring data for use in the RSMC operational environment;
(e) Develop concepts of operational arrangements for atmospheric transport modelling backtracking products;
(f) Continue testing and evaluating the operational arrangements with CTBTO.