AMDAR Panel Meeting July 2011

AMDAR Panel Preparatory Meeting 21-22 July Agenda

  1. ARINC620 Update to Version 5
    1. Issues with current draft version.
    2. Requirements for the current update.
    3. Completion of the update process.
  2. Membership/Representation to Aviation Fora
    1. Future membership/representation of AEEC DLK SC.
    2. Meeting in Brussels: Data Link Users Forum September 7-8, 2011
    3. Data Link (DLK) Systems Subcommittee meeting, week of October 24th, 2011
    4. NextGen
    5. RTCA -
    6. Airbus
    7. Boeing
    8. ICAO
    9. Others?
  3. AAA Inclusion of additional parameters.
  4. Generic Software Specification
  5. AAA Software specifications for Honeywell avionics:
    1. For Embraer E-Jet 190.
    2. For B777
    3. For CRJ fleets with SAS/Rockwell Collins (RC)
  6. SAA AMDAR Data Problem
    1. Progress report from Dean
  7. AMDAR Benefits/Business Case Document for Aviation.
  8. Mexico Workshop Agenda.
  9. Funding arrangements for AeroMexico and Alaskan Airlines statup projects.
  10. AMDAR Panel 14 Meeting Agenda.
    1. Update ToR
  11. Water Vapor (WVSS) International Program Devlopment
    1. Airline business case:
      1. Research on Icing Potential and Icing Warning
      2. Offset to weather services charges by NMHSs for receipt of AMDAR and WV data.
  12. Turbulence and EDR
    1. Report from David Helms
    2. International implemetation
    3. Inclusion for AMDAR-14
  13. Requirement for study on Global AMDAR Program future development:
    1. Where are the gaps
    2. Which NMHSs and Airlines should be targeted to fill the gaps.
  14. Requirement for study on AMDAR future technological developments and risks to the program.
  15. Global AMDAR Programme Data Management and Data Monitoring
    1. Establishment of a DM Framework
    2. Archival of Data
    3. A (global) model for data QC
    4. Pre-AMDAR-14 Meeting
    5. How to handle this issue at the AMDAR-14 Meeting
  16. Resourcing for AMDAR Panel projects and tasks
  17. WIGOS PP
    1. BUFR Template
