AMDAR Panel Preparatory Meeting 21-22 July Agenda
- ARINC620 Update to Version 5
- Issues with current draft version.
- Requirements for the current update.
- Completion of the update process.
- Membership/Representation to Aviation Fora
- Future membership/representation of AEEC DLK SC.
- Meeting in Brussels: Data Link Users Forum September 7-8, 2011
- Data Link (DLK) Systems Subcommittee meeting, week of October 24th, 2011
- NextGen
- RTCA -
- Airbus
- Boeing
- Others?
- AAA Inclusion of additional parameters.
- Generic Software Specification
- AAA Software specifications for Honeywell avionics:
- For Embraer E-Jet 190.
- For B777
- For CRJ fleets with SAS/Rockwell Collins (RC)
- SAA AMDAR Data Problem
- Progress report from Dean
- AMDAR Benefits/Business Case Document for Aviation.
- Mexico Workshop Agenda.
- Funding arrangements for AeroMexico and Alaskan Airlines statup projects.
- AMDAR Panel 14 Meeting Agenda.
- Update ToR
- Water Vapor (WVSS) International Program Devlopment
- Airline business case:
- Research on Icing Potential and Icing Warning
- Offset to weather services charges by NMHSs for receipt of AMDAR and WV data.
- Turbulence and EDR
- Report from David Helms
- International implemetation
- Inclusion for AMDAR-14
- Requirement for study on Global AMDAR Program future development:
- Where are the gaps
- Which NMHSs and Airlines should be targeted to fill the gaps.
- Requirement for study on AMDAR future technological developments and risks to the program.
- Global AMDAR Programme Data Management and Data Monitoring
- Establishment of a DM Framework
- Archival of Data
- A (global) model for data QC
- Pre-AMDAR-14 Meeting
- How to handle this issue at the AMDAR-14 Meeting
- Resourcing for AMDAR Panel projects and tasks
- BUFR Template