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Welcome to our documentation about search in WIS.

ISO 23950/SRU has been designated as search standard in WIS.

You find a presentation explaining how you can interface your existing systems with SRU here.

The WIS-PO has developed SRU2JDBC, a easy to use software that adds a SRU interface to any JDBC capable database.

We are also working on adding SRU support to geonetwork. There is now SRU support in the BlueMetNet branch.
We have made available an easy to use installer from the development branch, which can be downloaded from (run java -jar <file>).

There is also the WMO SRU training page that can help you gaining a better understanding of SRU and how others use it.

A guide for SRU implementors describing the specific characteristics required on WIS SRU servers is available at

SRU implementation can be tested with the OCLC tester

There is a good free CQL parser in java here.

SRU schema validation

WIS requires that the SRU responses validate against the schema for the specification version 1.1. The schema files are attached to this page.
The WIS SRU training page provides a way to validate against the schema by pressing the "validate" button after having input a correct SRU URL into the textbox.
The server will then fetch the URL in question, validate the reply according to the schema and indicate the result to the user.
A simple php script validating a custom URL against the SRU schema is also attached to this page.

  • Metservice NZ Remote search example using GISC Melbourne to put search into their web pages
Below is a list of links of technologies used in WIS.

  1. Return to WIS WIKI Home Page.
  2. Internals

Page last modified on Wednesday 27 of July, 2016 09:57:15 CEST