Joint meeting of the Expert Teams on WIS Centres (ET-WISC) and Communication Techniques & Systems (ET-CTS)
incorporating the annual meeting of TT-GISC
Final Report
Final report: Joint ET-WISC ET-CTS TT-GISC meeting, 2017
Info on the meeting
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 13 - 17 November 2017
Working Hours: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Meeting Rooms: Salle C2 and Lake 6
LI Xiang (ET-WISC),
Rémy GIRAUD (ET-CTS) and
Local Contact:
Jeremy Tandy
WMO contacts:
Jeremy Tandy ,
Steve Foreman and
David Thomas
Video-conference details
Remote participation in the Joint ET-WISC/ET-CTS/TT-GISC2017 meeting will be provided through
BlueJeans . Instructions for use of BlueJeans are provided
here . You can also connect to BlueJeans from mobile devices using an App.
Meeting details depend on the day and the location of the session that you intend to join.
Monday 13-Nov, Salle C2 (Plenary and TT-GISC2017)
Meeting ID: 107 550 243
__Monday 13 Nov, Lake 6 (Cache-in-the-cloud)
Meeting ID: 316 882 408
Tuesday 14-Nov & Wednesday 15-Nov, Salle C2 (ET-WIS**C2017)
Meeting ID: 626 694 960
Tuesday 14-Nov & Wednesday 15-Nov, Lake 6 (ET-CTS2017)
Meeting ID: 652 387 642
(no formal video-conference arrangements for alternative break-out rooms on Wednesday afternoon)
Thursday 16-Nov & Friday 17-Nov, Salle C2 (Plenary)
Meeting ID: 708 147 299
updated 17-Nov 09:90 UTC please contact WIS Help for the passcode
The participant passcodes will be emailed to invited participants. Please contact
Jeremy Tandy or
Florence Grosfilley if you have not received the passcode.
Meeting background
Resolution 20 (Cg-17) requests that CBS pursue a leading role in the technical implementation and operation of WIS, including the GTS as its core network, for the collection and sharing of information for all WMO and related international programmes.
Resolution 31 (Cg-17) classifies telecommunications between WIS Centres as an essential service for creating and distributing data, products, warnings and advisories for the protection of life and property.
Decision 25 (CBS-16) requests that OPAG-ISS continue the development of a common security incident management process.
Decision 26 (CBS-16) requests that OPAG-ISS make operational at least two WIS Monitoring Common Dashboards and propose updates to regulatory material in support of WIS monitoring.
The sixteenth session of CBS Management Group recognized that a team in quality auditing could serve all CBS centre registrations rather than being limited to WIS centres, including the audit procedures being implemented by the amendments to the Manual on GDPFS. As per the terms of reference for the Expert Team on WIS Centres (ET-WISC) and the Expert Team on Centre Audit/Certification (ET-CAC), as approved in Decision 33 (CBS-16), ET-CAC will establish an adapted audit and certification process suitable to all WMO programmes, while ET-WISC will amend the guidance and management procedures for assessment of candidate GISCs and DCPCs to suit the new audit and certification process, proposing amendments to the regulatory material as necessary.
Resolution 7 (EC-69) requested that CBS review the amendments proposed in Annex 2 to Recommendation 18 (CBS-16) concerning the WIS Core Network, configuration of WIS Routeing on the Main Telecommunication Network and the responsibilities of the Regional Telecommunication Hubs.
Resolution 8 (EC-69) endorsed the WIS 2.0 strategy, as listed in the Annex to Recommendation 35 (CBS-16), wherein cloud services are cited as a key enabling technology. Annex 1 to Decision 15 (CBS-16) notes that WMO requires a clear idea of how best to leverage cloud storage and cloud computing capabilities. As per the OPAG-ISS Work Plan, provided in the final report of the seventeenth session of CBS Management Group, the Expert Team on Communication Techniques and Systems (ET-CTS) will pursue further investigation of the use of cloud services to support WIS functions (ET-CTS02.1 and ET-CTS02.2 “Cache in and through the cloud” phases 1 and 2).
Due to the cross-cutting nature of these topics and the accelerated time-frame caused by the need to deliver recommendations to CBS TECO, March 2018, a joint meeting of ET-WISC and ET-CTS will progress the following specific topics:
1. “Cache in and through the cloud” project
2. Cyber security incident response and event reporting procedures
3. Certification and audit criteria for WIS Centres
4. Operationalization of WIS Monitoring
5. GISC Core Network and GISC interconnectivity
The meeting will be structured in two parallel sessions allowing for a diversity of topics to be rapidly progressed, before concluding in plenary session to agree the recommendations for CBS TECO 2018.
Day 1: Parallel sessions, "Cache in and through the cloud" and TT-GISC
Day 2-3: Parallel sessions, ET-CTS and ET-WISC (incorporating TT-GISC)
Day 4-5: Plenary session
Given the focus on WIS-related topics, and the participation of experts in these discussions from many Members operating GISCs, the annual meeting of the Task Team on GISCs (TT-GISC) will also occur. For details of TT-GISC-2017 please contact Ken TSUNODA .
Plenary session agenda (draft)
Opening plenary (Monday 13 November, Salle C2)
09:30 Opening and welcome, Peiliang Shi (D/WIS)
09:40 Update on WMO high priority activities, Dave Thomas (C/ITS)
09:50 Working arrangements for Joint meeting (session timings, room locations etc.)
10:00 Close plenary session
Plenary session (Thursday 16 & Friday 17 November, Salle C2)
This session will be planned in detail following the 3-days of parallel meetings.
09:00, 16-Nov Opening of plenary session
—:— Welcome address & objective setting for plenary session, Chair OPAG-ISS
—:— Timelines and procedures for approving amendments to Technical Regulation (EC-70 and Cg-18), Secretariat
—:— Summary reports from sub-meetings
—:— ET-WISC, incorporating TT-GISC
Report from ET-WISC2017
Report from TT-GISC2017
WIS Centre audit assessment criteria
Operationalization of WIS Monitoring
Other issues for discussion in Plenary
—:— ET-CTS, incorporating “Cache-in-the-cloud”
Cyber security incident response procedures
Revised Guide on IT Security (WMO-No. 1115)
GISC Core Network / GISC interconnectivity
Other issues for discussion in Plenary extended lunch 13:00-14:30
13:45 Coordination session to prioritize & plan remainder of Plenary session Chairs & co-chairs only
14:40 Discussion: clarify decision on common user interface / search / Web-service API (ET-WISC2017 item §7), Mark Francis
14:55 GISC-GISC connectivity and data-transfer performance, Mark Francis
Clarify GISC-GISC connectivity matrix - define plan to maintain this matrix
Develop plan to verify 2-min end-to-end warning transmission SLA
Define what action to take, and by whom, where 2-min SLA not met coffee break 15:40-16:00
16:00 Inclusion of security event/incident information in WIS Monitoring
16:15 Detailed review of Cache in the cloud proposal , Tobias Spears aim to close day 1, 17:45
09:00, 17-Nov Review requirements for WIS Centre audit assessment criteria, Kevin Alder coffee break 10:25-10:45
Define detailed work plan for development of WIS Centre audit assessment criteria - e.g. who is doing what by when, ET-WISC "sub-contract" cyber-sec criteria to ET-CTS??
10:45 Development of new tech regs for ICT Operations and cyber-security
Define what new regulation is required (noting WIS Competencies & Guide to WIS Part II 2.2.1 Scope of audit etc.)
Define detailed work plan for development of new ICT Operations/cyber security tech regs
12:00 Plenary 2 break out session
12:00 Session organisation
12:15 Break out sessions (in parallel) lunch 12:45-13:45
(A) WMO procurement guidance (Rémy Giraud*, Dave Thomas, Jeremy Tandy)
(B) WIS Centre audit criteria (Kevin Alder*, Ki Xiang, Sungsoo Do, Kai Wirt, Tobias Spears)
(C) Technical Regulation for ICT Operations (Mark Francis*, Benjamin Saclier, Weiqing Qu, Pablo Loyber)
(D) Terms of reference for WIS IT Security Focal Point (Phil Chamberlain*, Ken Tsunoda, Yori Ohno, José Mauro Rezende, Leonardo Santos)
(E) Operationalizing WIS Monitoring (Wang Peng*, Abbas Niaza Lizadeh Moghadam, Jan Osusky)
13:45 Resume discussion about Cache-in-the-cloud proposal
Cost models
Financial strategy (cost allocation etc.)
14:45 Break -or- Reports from plenary 2 break out session
15:00 Review plans for CBS TECO 2018
15:20 Review effectiveness of Joint meeting approach
15:30 Review workplan
15:40 Any other business
Review amended decision on "common user interface / search / Web-service API" (ET-WISC2017 item §7)
Guidance for completion of GISC-connectivity matrix
Role of GISC in WIS 2.0 (see WIS II strategy are provide feedback to Mattéo Dell'Acqua about you thoughts on the role of a GISC by close of business, Tuesday 21 Nov)
SRU URLsfor GISCs - Please send to Secretariat so we can update the reference page ( ... the path and style sheet information is needed.
15:50 Review decisions and actions
16:00, 17-Nov Close
Attendees for Coordination Session: Mattéo Dell'Acqua, Hassan Haddouch, Rémy Giraud, Li Xiang, Ken Tsunoda, Mark Francis and Secretariat. everyone else gets an extended lunch break
TT-GISC2017 agenda (draft)
TT-GISC 2017(Monday 13 November, Salle C2)
10:00 Opening, welcome and introductions
10:10 Approve agenda & working arrangements
10:15 Review TT-GISC Terms of Reference
10:20 GISC status update
10:20 Status updates from all GISCs
10:20 GISC Moscow (Videoconference)
10:30 GISC Beijing
10:40 GISC Brazilia
10:50 GISC Casablanca
11:00 GISC Exeter
11:10 GISC Jeddah coffee break, 11:20-11:40
11:40 GISC Melbourne
11:50 GISC New Delhi
12:00 GISC Offenbach
12:10 GISC Pretoria
12:20 GISC Seoul lunch, 12:30-13:50
13:50 GISC Tehran postponed until after lunch
14:00 GISC Washington (Videoconference)
14:10 GISC Tokyo
14:20 GISC Toulouse
14:30 GISC connectivity with centres in their area of responsibility (including update on AMDCN status)
14:40 Review outstanding TT-GISC actions
14:40 GISC backup status
15:00 Training and capacity building
15:10 Metadata management, K.Tsunoda, M.Francis, B.Saclier, K.Wirt & P.Wang
15:20 Global/Core cache management coffee break, 15:30-15:50
15:50 User Federation, José Mauro Rezende
16:00 User Interface moved to ET-WISC2017 item 7.3
16:10 Operational GISC communication (TT-GISC/11 & TT-GISC2014/1-22), Kai Wirt & Benjamin Saclier
16:20 GISC operations (
16:30 WCD development and demonstration status, WIS monitoring project team
16:40 Review TT-GISC action plan
16:50 Problem management for upper air BUFR reports, Secretariat
17:00 Permanent URLs for WIS metadata records, Secretariat
17:10 Next TT-GISC Meeting
17:15 Workplan
17:20 Any other business
17:25 Review decisions and actions
17:30 Close
Cache-in-the-cloud agenda (draft)
Cache-in-the-cloud (Monday 13 November, Lake 6)
10:00 Welcome and introductions
—:— Approve agenda and working arrangements
—:— Background from CBS-16 and EC-69
—:— Review of available draft documents
—:— Proposed working structure (Trello board )
—:— Proposed timeline of the action
—:— Functional and Technical requirements
—:— Management requirements
—:— Procurement and financial requirements
—:— Merged presentation – Draft 1
—:— Discussion
—:— Work toward a draft 2 of the merged presentation
—:— Workplan
—:— Any other business
—:— Review decisions and actions
17:30 Close
ET-WISC2017 agenda (draft)
ET-WISC (Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 November, Salle C2)
(Incorporating remaining issues from TT-GISC workplan)
09:00, 14 Nov TT-GISC remaining items
4.1.1 GISC Moscow
4.1.11 GISC Seoul
12 Review decisions and actions
09:30 Welcome and introductions
09:30 Approve agenda and working arrangements
09:40 Background from CBS-16 and EC-69, Secretariat
09:50 Review WIS & Codes FastTrack changes, Secretariat
10:00 Review Structure and Terms of Reference of ET-WISC and TTs
10:10 Priority issues to be reported to next CBS
10:10 Operationalizing WCD portal of WIS Monitoring including participation from NCs/DCPCs, K.Tsunoda, W.Qu, X.Li, M.Francis, T.Spears & K.Alder
The next step in monitoring, S. Nishikawa
OperationalizingWcdPortalMonitoring, Tobias Spears
WCD operation, CMA
Proposals on WIS Monitoring, W. Qu coffee break, 11:10-11:30
11:30 Information format for WIS Centres reporting cyber security incidents/events, X.LI, T.Spears, JM.Rezende & W.Qu
GISC Brasília, José Mauro Rezende
JSON specification of sharing IT security incidents for WIS centres, Wang Peng lunch, 12:30-14:00
14:00 Certification and audit criteria for WIS Centres, L.Wolf, K.Alder, T.Spears, W.Qu, M.Francis
Report from ET-CAC, K.Alder
Criteria for GISC assessment using ISO 9001:2015 QMS risk-based approach
15:00 Review WIS Implementation
15:00 Status report of Data Centres, M.Francis, L.Wolf, K.Alder, T.Spears, P.Loyber coffee break, 15:40-16:00
16:00 Status of WIS Implementation Plans (Regional and National)
RA I (P.Mutai)
RA II (X. Li, K.Tsunoda)
RA III (JM.Rezende)
RA IV (T.Spears)
RA V (W.Qu)
RA VI (K.Wirt, M.Francis) —aim to close day 1, 17:30—
09:00, 15-Nov User Interfaces, Ján Osuský plus M.Francis, K.Tsunoda, B.Saclier & K.Wirt
Report from Task Team on WIS UI, Ján Osuský
MFusersinterfaces, Bejamin Saclier
User Interface GISC Offenbach, Kai Wirt
09:40 Updates regulatory material relating to WIS Part C; additional provisions for IT Operations practices (change / release management, system patching etc.), X.Li, K.Tsunoda, M.Francis
10:10 WIS monitoring activities, WWW-IWM etc. and migration to TDCF, X.Li, P.Wang
IQWMA, Wang Peng
Problem management for upper air BUFR reports, Secretariat (see also TT-GISC2017 item §7)
10:30 Training and Capacity building (and TT-GISC agenda item 5.2)
10:45 45 Metadata management (continuous TT-GISC agenda item §5.3, and item §8 )coffee break, 11:00-11:20
11:20 WIS 2.0 implementation plan and WIS Part-C
11:40 ET-WISC and TTs membership and action plan (2017-2020), X.Li, K.Tsunoda, M.Francis
—:— Next ET-WISC meeting
—:— Any other business
—:— Review decisions and actions lunch, 12:30-14:00
14:00 Break-out groups to prepare consolidated material for plenary session
Operationalizing WCD portal of WIS Monitoring (reporter)
Information format for WIS Centres reporting cyber security incidents/events
Certification and audit criteria for WIS Centres
Additional provisions for IT Operations practices coffee break, 16:00-16:20
16:20 review the material prepared by each group, all
17:30, 15-Nov Close
agenda item 7.3:
- aims to review the operational interfaces between Data Centres and GISCs and examine any emerging requirements, more information can be found in Table C of final report for ET-WISC2016 (page 40)
- will discuss implementation experience and feedback about use of Web services to provide data to users, and Peer2Peer sharing for large files (B.Saclier)
ET-CTS2017 agenda (draft)
ET-CTS (Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 November, Lake 6)
09:00, 14-Nov Welcome and introductions
—:— Approve agenda and working arrangements
—:— Background from CBS-16 and EC-69
09:45 Cyber security
—:— Cyber security incident response and event reporting procedures
—:— Toward a new version of the "Guide on IT Security"
—:— Implementation aspects
—:— Discussion
14:00, 14-Nov GISC Core Network and GISC interconnectivity
—:— Clarifying the understanding of the official documentation (RMDCN connectivity, 2-minute SLA end-to-end transmission of warnings, ...)
—:— Review of the responses to the GISC-GISC connectivity questionnaire (from TT-GISC)
—:— Discussions
16:00 Break-out groups to prepare consolidated material for plenary session (in parallel) aim to close day 1, 17:30
Cyber security incident response and event reporting procedures
GISC Core Network and GISC interconnectivity
09:00, 15-Nov Continued development of "Cache-in-the-cloud" report (working session)
13:30 Parallel working sessions
Cache-in-the-cloud (Tobias, Rémy, Yori)
Cyber security (Phil, Pablo)
16:15 Independent review of draft documents prepared during working session
17:00 Review draft documents - including work plan
17:00 Cyber security
17:30 Cache-in-the-cloud
18:15 GISC Core Network / GISC interconnectivity
18:25 Any other business
ET-CTS2018, location etc.
18:30, 15-Nov Close
Mattéo DELL'ACQUA (Chair OPAG-ISS) - France
Hassan HADDOUCH (Co-chair OPAG-ISS) - Morocco
LI Xiang (Chair ET-WISC) - China
Ken TSUNODA (Co-chair ET-WISC, Chair TT-GISC) - Japan
Mark FRANCIS (Co-chair ET-WISC, Chair TT-DC) - UK
Rémy GIRAUD (Chair ET-CTS) - France
Ilona GLASER (Co-chair ET-CTS) - Germany
Kevin ALDER - New Zealand
Talal AL-OWAIBDI - Suadi Arabia
Sergei BELOV (remote participant) - Russian Federation
Christine BRUNNER (remote participant) - USA
Sungsoo DO - Korea, republic
Oliver GORWITS (remote participant) - ECMWF
Pablo LOYBER - Argentina
Peter MUTAI - Kenya
Shigeharu NISHIKAWA - Japan
Yori OHNO - Japan
Steve OLSON (remote participant) - USA
Weiqing QU - Australia
José Mauro REZENDE - Brazil
Benjamin SACLIER - France
Leonardo SANTOS - Brazil
Kari SHEETS (remote participant) - USA
SL SINGH - India
Neil SLATER (remote participant) - Eumetsat
Tobias SPEARS - Canada
Andrew VAN DER MERWE - South Africa
WANG Peng - China
Kai-Thorsten WIRT - Germany
Group photos
Final reports from previous meetings:
Work Plan (see CBS-MG-17 final report, pages 81-82, OPAG-ISS Work Plan, ET-WISC01 to ET-WISC10)
Note that OPAG-ISS Work Items ET-CTS02.1 and ET-CTS02.2 pertain to Cache-in-the-cloud.
The documents in these lists have been provided by their authors but only those with a green bullet point have been processed by the secretariat. Those with a yellow bullet point have not been checked for suitability. Please take care if you choose to download them.
Submit a document to the cache in the cloud session
Page : 3 /3 1 2 3
Submit a document to TT-GISC 2017
Page : 2 /2 1 2
Submit a document to ET-WISC 2017
Submit a document to ET-CTS 2017
(Review of technical regulation for GISC-GISC interconnectivity coming shortly)
Plenary sessions
Page : 1 /2 1 2
Submit a document to the joint session of ET-WIS, TT-GISC and ET-CSTS 2017
Templates for submissions
(for Cache-in-the-cloud, use the ET-CTS2017 template)