Version Control
Please review the following text and email any required changes or feedback to David Thomas.
NOTE: In 2008, an initial outline was drafted for the official WIS documents, then referred to as "Guidelines on WIS" ( ). That draft was authored by Eliot Christian, David Thomas, and Robert Husband. Official WIS documents are now being addressed in three WMO publications: an amendment to Vol I, Section A3, of WMO No. 49 (Technical Regulations), and two new publications, WMO No. 1060 (Manual on WIS) and WMO No. 1061 (Guide to WIS).
NOTE: This Manual on WIS (WMO No. 1060), Annex VII to the WMO Technical Regulations, contains standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications. It is supplemented by the Guide to WIS (WMO No. 1061) which contains additional information concerning practices, procedures and specifications.
This Manual on WIS will be published in an incremental manner over time. In the near term, this Manual on WIS has some sections completed but others as only placeholders. Parts being completed immediately are primarily concerned with those WIS practices, procedures and specifications not encompassed within GTS.
This Manual on WIS complements the Manual on GTS (WMO No. 386). Eventually, the Manual on WIS will update and integrate content of the current Manual on GTS and will harmonize with the official documentation of related programmes. The reorganization of technical documents also depends on institution of new programmes, particularly the proposed WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS).
This Manual on WIS draft was reviewed by the Implementation Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services (ICT-ISS) in September 2010 and the Inter-Commission Coordination Group on WIS (ICG-WIS) on October 1, 2010, which agreed the text for review at the Extra-Ordinary Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) in November 2010 (CBS Ext.(2010)) and approval at the WMO Congress XVI in May 2011. The corresponding proposed amendments to Section A3 of WMO Technical Regulations Volume I will follow the same process. The Guide to WIS is developed in parallel and will also be submitted to CBS Ext.(2010).
NOTE: In 2008, an initial outline was drafted for the official WIS documents, then referred to as "Guidelines on WIS" ( ). That draft was authored by Eliot Christian, David Thomas, and Robert Husband. Official WIS documents are now being addressed in three WMO publications: an amendment to Vol I, Section A3, of WMO No. 49 (Technical Regulations), and two new publications, WMO No. 1060 (Manual on WIS) and WMO No. 1061 (Guide to WIS).
Version | Authors | Date | Description |
0.1 | Eliot Christian | 3 Aug 2010 | Outline draft for review by ICG-WIS and CBS Management Group |
0.2 | Eliot Christian | 17 Aug 2010 | Early draft for review by ICG-WIS and CBS Management Group |
0.3 | Eliot Christian, Jean-Michel Rainer, Fred Branski | 25 Aug 2010 | Early draft for review by ICG-WIS, CBS, TCs, RAs, Program leads and Secretariat coordinators |
0.4 | Eliot Christian, Jean-Michel Rainer, Fred Branski | 7 Sep 2010 | Interim draft under review by ICG-WIS, CBS, Presidents of TCs, Presidents of RAs, programme coordinators in WMO Secretariat |
0.5 | Eliot Christian, Jean-Michel Rainer, Steve Foreman, Fred Branski | 15 Sep 2010 | Last draft before review at ICT-ISS and ICG-WIS meetings 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2010 (WMO, Geneva) |
0.6 | Eliot Christian, Jean-Michel Rainer, Steve Foreman, Fred Branski, Geerd Hoffmann | 5 Oct 2010 | First draft after review at ICT-ISS and ICG-WIS meetings |
NOTE: This Manual on WIS (WMO No. 1060), Annex VII to the WMO Technical Regulations, contains standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications. It is supplemented by the Guide to WIS (WMO No. 1061) which contains additional information concerning practices, procedures and specifications.
This Manual on WIS will be published in an incremental manner over time. In the near term, this Manual on WIS has some sections completed but others as only placeholders. Parts being completed immediately are primarily concerned with those WIS practices, procedures and specifications not encompassed within GTS.
This Manual on WIS complements the Manual on GTS (WMO No. 386). Eventually, the Manual on WIS will update and integrate content of the current Manual on GTS and will harmonize with the official documentation of related programmes. The reorganization of technical documents also depends on institution of new programmes, particularly the proposed WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS).
This Manual on WIS draft was reviewed by the Implementation Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services (ICT-ISS) in September 2010 and the Inter-Commission Coordination Group on WIS (ICG-WIS) on October 1, 2010, which agreed the text for review at the Extra-Ordinary Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) in November 2010 (CBS Ext.(2010)) and approval at the WMO Congress XVI in May 2011. The corresponding proposed amendments to Section A3 of WMO Technical Regulations Volume I will follow the same process. The Guide to WIS is developed in parallel and will also be submitted to CBS Ext.(2010).