Chap 10
Please review the following text and email any required changes or feedback to Eliot Christian
Note: WWW GOS provides observations of the state of the atmosphere and ocean surface as observed from the Earth and from outer space. These observations are used for the preparation of weather analyses, forecasts, advisories and warnings, and for climate monitoring and environmental activities carried out under programmes of WMO and of other relevant international organizations. WWW GOS is operated by National Meteorological Services, national or international satellite agencies, and various consortia dealing with specific observing systems or specific geographic regions.
10.2.2 WWW Global Data Processing and Forecast System (GDPFS) centres shall become WIS Centres. Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the data and products collected and disseminated under WWW GDPFS.
Note: WWW GDPFS prepares and makes available to Members in the most cost-effective way meteorological analyses and forecast products.
10.2.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of GAW centres, including the GAW Web site, the GAWSIS Web site, and the World Data Centres associated with GAW: WOUDC (Ozone & UV), WDCGG (Greenhouse Gases), WDCA (Aerosols), and WRDC (Radiation).
10.3.3 GAW centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.4.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of WHYCOS, including the Reqional HYCOS's, National Hydrological Services, and Global Data Centres such as the Global Runoff Data Center.
10.4.3 WHYCOS centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.5.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of WCP, including the National Meteorological Services, Regional Climate Centers, World Climate Data Centers and Global Climate Forecast Producing Centers.
10.5.3 WCP centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.6.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of WCP, including the Global Observing System Information Centre (GOSIC), relevant monitoring and analysis centres, and various climate relevant observation networks, data centres and archives.
10.6.3 Centres supporting GCOS may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.7.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of GOOS, including the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Data Portal, and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Ocean Portal, .as well as for the sets of GOOS-related data and products that are collected or disseminated over the GTS,
10.7.3 GOOS centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.8.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of GTOS, including the Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Sites (TEMS) database, the GTOS Data Centres Directory, and the GTOS Resources Directory.
10.8.3 GTOS centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.9.2 Metadata records describing the major systems contributed to GEO by WMO shall be maintained in the GEOSS Clearinghouse.
10.9.3 The GEOSS Clearinghouse and the WIS DAR search interface shall remain interoperable to enable users of either collection to find metadata records across both.
10.1 General
WIS is designed to encourage interoperability with other systems, whether internal to WMO or otherwise. Several of the major systems relevant to WMO are described within this section.10.2 WIS and the World Weather Watch
10.2.1 World Weather Watch Global Observing System (WWW GOS) centres shall become WIS Centres. Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the data and products collected and disseminated under WWW GOS.Note: WWW GOS provides observations of the state of the atmosphere and ocean surface as observed from the Earth and from outer space. These observations are used for the preparation of weather analyses, forecasts, advisories and warnings, and for climate monitoring and environmental activities carried out under programmes of WMO and of other relevant international organizations. WWW GOS is operated by National Meteorological Services, national or international satellite agencies, and various consortia dealing with specific observing systems or specific geographic regions.
10.2.2 WWW Global Data Processing and Forecast System (GDPFS) centres shall become WIS Centres. Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the data and products collected and disseminated under WWW GDPFS.
Note: WWW GDPFS prepares and makes available to Members in the most cost-effective way meteorological analyses and forecast products.
10.3 WIS and the Global Atmosphere Watch
10.3.1 The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) maintains global, long-term observations of the chemical composition and selected physical characteristics of the atmosphere and delivers integrated products and services.10.2.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of GAW centres, including the GAW Web site, the GAWSIS Web site, and the World Data Centres associated with GAW: WOUDC (Ozone & UV), WDCGG (Greenhouse Gases), WDCA (Aerosols), and WRDC (Radiation).
10.3.3 GAW centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.4 WIS and the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System
10.4.1 The World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) focuses on cooperation in management of shared water resources and promotes free exchange of data in the field of hydrology. The WHYCOS Programme coordinates measurement and collection of basic hydrological elements from networks of hydrological and meteorological stations, including quantity and quality data of surface and ground water.10.4.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of WHYCOS, including the Reqional HYCOS's, National Hydrological Services, and Global Data Centres such as the Global Runoff Data Center.
10.4.3 WHYCOS centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.5 WIS and the World Climate Programme
10.5.1 The World Climate Program (WCP) coordinates climate data collection, monitoring, research, prediction, applications and training. WCP facilitates climate data and metadata collection and the international exchange of climate data through various global climate observing systems and climate centers.10.5.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of WCP, including the National Meteorological Services, Regional Climate Centers, World Climate Data Centers and Global Climate Forecast Producing Centers.
10.5.3 WCP centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.6 WIS and the Global Climate Observing System
10.6.1 The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) is co-sponsored by WMO, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the International Council for Science (ICSU). GCOS seeks to ensure that observations and information needed to address climate-related issues are obtained and made available to all potential users. GCOS provides an operational framework for observational systems but does not directly make observations nor generate data products.10.6.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of WCP, including the Global Observing System Information Centre (GOSIC), relevant monitoring and analysis centres, and various climate relevant observation networks, data centres and archives.
10.6.3 Centres supporting GCOS may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.7 WIS and the Global Ocean Observing System
10.7.1 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) promotes international cooperation for sustained observations of the oceans. GOOS is implemented by WMO Members via their government agencies, navies and oceanographic research institutions.10.7.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of GOOS, including the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Data Portal, and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Ocean Portal, .as well as for the sets of GOOS-related data and products that are collected or disseminated over the GTS,
10.7.3 GOOS centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.8 WIS and the Global Terrestrial Observing System
10.8.1 Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) is a programme for observations, modelling, and analysis of terrestrial ecosystems. GTOS facilitates access to information on terrestrial ecosystems so that researchers and policy makers can detect and manage global and regional environmental change.10.8.2 Metadata shall be maintained in WIS for the external interfaces of GTOS, including the Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Sites (TEMS) database, the GTOS Data Centres Directory, and the GTOS Resources Directory.
10.8.3 GTOS centres may also be designated as WIS Centres.
10.9 WIS and the Global Earth Observations System of Systems
10.9.1 Analogous to the WIS comprehensive catalogue of available data and information resources, GEO maintains the GEOSS Clearinghouse holding metadata on available resources.10.9.2 Metadata records describing the major systems contributed to GEO by WMO shall be maintained in the GEOSS Clearinghouse.
10.9.3 The GEOSS Clearinghouse and the WIS DAR search interface shall remain interoperable to enable users of either collection to find metadata records across both.