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Appendix B

Please review the following text and email any required changes or feedback to Eliot Christian


Policy Documents
WMO No. 15 Basic Documents No. 1, (2007 edition)
WMO No. 49 Technical Regulations:
Volume I General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices
Volume II - Meteorological Services for Air Navigation
Volume III - Meteorological Services for Hydrology
Volume IV – Quality Management
WMO No. 60 Agreements and Working Arrangements
WMO No. 508 Resolutions of Congress and the Executive Council
Executive Council Reports
International exchange of data and products
WMO facilitates the free and unrestricted exchange of data and information, products and services in real- or near-real time on matters relating to safety and security of society, economic welfare and the protection of the environment.
WMO No. 837 Exchanging Meteorological Data — Guidelines on Relationships in Commercial Meteorological Activities. WMO Policy and Practice.
Cg-XII Resolution 40—WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on the relationships in commercial meteorological activities.
Cg XIII Resolution 25—Exchange of Hydrological Data and Products
Annex IV - Geneva Declaration of Thirteenth World Meteorological Congress
WMO No. 9 Weather reporting:
Volume A - Observing stations
Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes
Volume D - Information for Shipping
WMO No. 306 Manual on Codes
WMO No. 386 Manual on the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), Volumes I & II
WMO No. 485 Manual on the Global Data Processing and Forecasting Systems (GDPFS), Parts 1, 2 & 3
WMO No. 544 Manual on Global Observing Systems (GOS)
WMO No. 8 Guide to meteorological instruments and methods of observation
WMO No. 100 Guide to climatological practices
WMO No. 134 Guide to agricultural meteorological practices
WMO No. 168 Guide to hydrological practices
WMO No. 305 Guide on the Global Data-processing System
WMO No. 471 Guide to marine meteorological services
WMO No. 488 Guide on the Global Observing System
WMO No. 611 Guide to WMO Binary Code Form GRIB 1 - Technical Report No.17 - May 1994
*** Guide to WMO Table-Driven Code Forms: FM 94 BUFR and FM 95 CREX
*** Guide to FM 92 GRIB Edition 2
WMO No. 636 Guide on the automation of data-processing centres
WMO No. 702 Guide to wave analysis and forecasting
WMO No. 731 Guide on meteorological observation and information distribution systems at aerodromes
WMO No. 732 Guide to practices for meteorological offices serving aviation
WMO No. 750 Guide to moored buoys and other ocean data acquisition systems
WMO No. 788 Guide on World Weather Watch Data Management
WMO No. 834 Guide to public weather services practices
GTS Guide on Internet Practices
GTS Guide on VPN via the Internet between GTS centres
GTS Guide on the use of TCP/IP on the GTS
GTS Guide on Provisional Arrangements for the use of IP Addresses over the GTS
GTS Guide on IT Security

Page last modified on Friday 27 of August, 2010 16:15:10 CEST