Chapter 9
Please review the following text and email any required changes or feedback to Eliot Christian
9.2 Refer to Manual on WIS 9 for standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications on this topic.
9.3 WIS NCs typically serve as a portal for national users, and relay data and information collected or generated in that country to a GISC or to a DCPC.
9.4 In addition to National Meteorological and Hydrological Centres, a WIS NC may be another specialist centre that a WMO Member country elects to connect directly to WIS, such as a World Data Centre.
9.1 As required per WMO No. 49, Vol I, A.3, WIS NCs have functions similar to DCPCs but with a national focus and every WIS NC supplies metadata for their data and products. WIS NCs include the National Meteorological and Hydrological Centres.9.2 Refer to Manual on WIS 9 for standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications on this topic.
9.3 WIS NCs typically serve as a portal for national users, and relay data and information collected or generated in that country to a GISC or to a DCPC.
9.4 In addition to National Meteorological and Hydrological Centres, a WIS NC may be another specialist centre that a WMO Member country elects to connect directly to WIS, such as a World Data Centre.