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Chapter 7

Please review the following text and email any required changes or feedback to Eliot Christian


7.1 As required per WMO No. 49, Vol I, A.3, WIS GISCs host catalogues that contain metadata describing the full set of data and products available across WMO. All WIS GISCs collaborate to assure that each not only supports comprehensive search across catalogues, but each provides access to and disseminates WMO data and products intended for global exchange, including at least those exchanged over the last 24 hours. Data and products flow to a GISC from DCPCs and from NCs within its area of responsibility.

7.2 Refer to Manual on WIS 7 for standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications on this topic.

7.3. As required per Manual on WIS 7.2, GISCs exchange updates to the metadata comprising the WIS comprehensive catalogue, in support of the comprehensive search function. Among GISCs, the recommended interface specification to accomplish the exchange of metadata catalogue updates is version 2 of Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). The recommended procedure to exchange metadata catalogue updates is to schedule the OAI-PMH software to run daily, typically overnight.

Page last modified on Wednesday 08 of September, 2010 13:03:00 CEST