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Chapter 5

Please review the following text and email any required changes or feedback to Eliot Christian


5.1 General

As required in Manual on WIS 5.1, there are fifteen WIS Technical Specifications (WIS TechSpecs) that should be regarded as "mandatory if applicable", that is, the Technical Specification is required wherever the interface applies. A summary of the applicability of each WIS-TechSpec by type of WIS Centre is given in Table 1 (below). Supplementary details of WIS Technical Specifications are provided in "WIS Compliance Specifications for GISCs, DCPCs, and NCs". This document is available at .

5.2 WIS-TechSpec-1: Uploading of Metadata for Data and Products

5.2.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.2.

5.2.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of a mix of dedicated network and public network services, including public or private Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.2.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to two functions: (1) "Compile observations into bulletins/files, generate metadata and archive", and (2) "Convert products and data into bulletins/files and generate associated metadata".

5.2.4 Additional Notes
This interface builds on existing GTS practice, adding the particular standard format for WIS metadata about data, products, and services. Centres should be aware that metadata uploaded to a GISC could take up to 24 hours to be synchronized across all GISCs. Thus, where a data or product is required to be distributed sooner than 24 hours after publication of its metadata, the centre must transmit the metadata directly to the centre’s principle GISC via the GTS or by a method already agreed with the GISC.

5.3 WIS-TechSpec-2: Uploading of Data and Products

5.3.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.3.

5.3.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface is associated with dedicated bandwidth and high reliability and should make use of the GTS. This can incorporate private Internet with TCP/IP and may include encryption. In some cases IGDDS satellite uplinks may be employed.

5.3.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to two functions: (1) "Package bulletins, files, and metadata according to distribution requirements", (2) "Convert products and data into bulletins/files and generate associated metadata".

5.3.4 Additional Notes
This interface builds on existing GTS practice, supplemented with other file transfer mechanisms such as the Internet. Although it is required that data arrives only after its associated metadata, a grace period of two minutes is allowed before the data file is regarded as erroneous.

5.4 WIS-TechSpec-3: Centralization of Globally Distributed Data

5.4.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.4.

5.4.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface is associated with dedicated bandwidth and high reliability and should make use of the GTS. This can incorporate private Internet with TCP/IP and may include encryption.

5.4.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Maintain Cache of Global Information for 24 Hours".

5.4.4 Additional Notes The set of WMO data and products required to be cached for 24 hours at the GISCs is that information "intended for global exchange". This does not encompass all of the material handled by IGDDS. Although the cache of data and products intended for global exchange is required to be current across all GISCs to within 15 minutes, warnings must be current to within two minutes. The cache size is expected to grow from one gigabyte per day. The cache needs to be highly accurate and the system for logical centralization needs to be affordable and robust; single points of failure and complex procedures are not acceptable.

5.5 WIS-TechSpec-4: Maintenance of User Identification and Role Information

5.5.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.5.

5.5.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of public network services, including Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption and other privacy protection for identified individuals as required by national laws.

5.5.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to two functions: (1) "Assign User Role", (2) "Authorise Access to Information by Users".

5.5.4 Additional Notes
For updating the identification and role information concerning candidate or current users of WIS, WIS Centres should support two kinds of maintenance facilities: a file upload facility for batch updating (add, replace, or delete identification and role records treated as separate files); and an online form for changing individual identification and role entries (add, change, or delete of elements in a record as well as whole records).

5.6 WIS-TechSpec-5: Consolidated View of Distributed Identification and Role Information

5.6.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.6.

5.6.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of a mix of dedicated network and public network services, including public or private Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption and other privacy protection for identified individuals as required by national laws.

5.6.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to two functions: (1) "Assign User Role", (2) "Authorise Access to Information by Users".

5.7 WIS-TechSpec-6: Authentication of a User

5.7.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.7.

5.7.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of a mix of dedicated network and public network services, including public or private Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption and other privacy protection for identified individuals as required by national laws.

5.7.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Assign User Role".

5.7.4 Additional Notes
In a typical design for this interface, the client sends to the authentication server an authentication request for a particular user whose identification and credentials are included in the request. The authentication server references the consolidated identification and role information resource for WIS and returns an authentication response. That response either confirms or denies that the identified user has provided sufficient credentials.

5.8 WIS-TechSpec-7: Authorization of a User Role

5.8.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.2.

5.8.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, within the constraints of dedicated bandwidth and reliability service levels, this interface should make use of public network services, including Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.8.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Authorise Access to Information by Users".

5.8.4 Additional Notes
In a typical design for this interface, the client sends to the authorization server an authorization request for a particular user whose identification is included in the request. The authorization server references the consolidated identification and role information resource for WIS and returns an authorization response. That response either contains a list of the authorised roles for the user or denies that the identified user has any authorised roles.

5.9 WIS-TechSpec-8: DAR Catalogue Search and Retrieval

5.9.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.9.

5.9.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, within the constraints of bandwidth and reliability service levels, this interface should make use of public network services, including Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.9.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Maintain and Expose Catalogue of Services and Information".

5.9.4 Additional Notes
The procedures for designation of a GISC or DCPC require that both type of WIS centre maintain data, product and service catalogues in the WMO-agreed standard format and facilitate access to these catalogues. Therefore, network services should be treated as a type of WIS product that can be discovered through the DAR catalogue.

Note: The WIS SRU Implementors Note is available at .

5.10 WIS-TechSpec-9: Consolidated View of Distributed DAR Metadata Catalogues

5.10.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.10.

5.10.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of a mix of dedicated network and public network services, including public or private Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.10.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Maintain and Expose Catalogue of Services and Information".

5.11 WIS-TechSpec-10: Downloading Files via Dedicated Networks

5.11.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.11.

5.11.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface is associated with dedicated bandwidth and high reliability and should make use of the GTS and IGDDS satellite broadcast (at radio or television frequencies). This can incorporate private Internet with TCP/IP and may include encryption.

5.11.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Deliver Information to Users".

5.12 WIS-TechSpec-11: Downloading Files via Non-dedicated Networks

5.12.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.12.

5.12.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should not use a non-dedicated network for operation-critical data. Otherwise, within the constraints of bandwidth and reliability service levels, this interface should make use of public network services, including Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption. This interface should also make use of IGDDS satellite broadcast (at radio or television frequencies).

5.12.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Deliver Information to Users".

5.13 WIS-TechSpec-12: Downloading Files via Other Methods

5.13.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.13.

5.13.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should not use a non-dedicated method for operation-critical data. Otherwise, this interface is associated with requirements for delivery using methods other than data telecommunication networks. Delivery via voice lines and postal services in paper or digital media are included, among others.

5.13.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Deliver Information to Users".

5.14 WIS-TechSpec-13: Maintenance of Dissemination Metadata

5.14.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.14.

5.14.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of a mix of dedicated network and public network services, including public or private Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.14.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Maintain and Expose Catalogue of Services and Information".

5.14.4 Additional Notes For updating the Dissemination Metadata, WIS Centres should support two kinds of maintenance facilities: a file upload facility for batch updating (add, replace, or delete metadata records treated as separate files); and an online form for changing individual entries (add, change, or delete of elements in a record as well as whole records). Initially, population of the DAR Metadata is accomplished centrally, based on Volume C1 of WMO Publication No. 9 and other sources. Because full transition of WMO centres to the new metadata will occur over some time, procedures are required to assure that changes to either set of metadata are reflected in both.

5.15 WIS-TechSpec-14: Consolidated View of Distributed Dissemination Metadata Catalogues

5.15.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.15.

5.15.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
To provide a quality of service that meets user requirements, this interface should make use of a mix of dedicated network and public network services, including public or private Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.15.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Maintain and Expose Catalogue of Services and Information".

5.16 WIS-TechSpec-15: Reporting of Quality of Service

5.16.1 Applicable Standards
The following information for this requirement is in addition to the standard and recommended practices, procedures and specifications in Manual on WIS 5.16.

5.16.2 Types of Collection and Dissemination Service
This interface should make use of public network services, including Internet with TCP/IP which may include encryption.

5.16.3 Function Interfaces
In the WIS Functional Architecture, this WIS Technical Specification acts as an interface to the function: "Manage System Performance".

5.16.4 Additional Notes Agreements on service levels can be anticipated eventually for WIS operations. These should include data and network security as well as performance and reliability. Performance reports could be generated efficiently by having each WIS Centre upload its reports to a single analysis site within a fixed time window.

Page last modified on Monday 04 of October, 2010 17:09:29 CEST