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CBS Ext 2010

The following docs are the draft versions for CBS Ext 2010 for Expected Result 5.

Doc 4.3(1) Main text for inclusion to CBS report for ER 5

  • There are 5 recommendations under 4.3
  • Rec's 4.3(1 to 3) are included in document 4.3(1)
  • Note Rec 4.3(3) has 3 annexes
  • Download Doc

Doc 4.3(1) add 1 - Amendment to WMO No.49 Vol I. Sec 3

Doc 4.3(1) add 2 - Proposed Manual on WIS

Inf 4-3(1) Guidelines on WIS

BM 4-3(1) Report of the Chair of OPAG-ISS

BM 4-3(2) Background material on monitoring, codes and operational services

BM 4-3(3) Report on WIS Centres

Page last modified on Friday 22 of October, 2010 11:20:01 CEST