Discover Weather
Key benefits
- Proven WMO WIS compliance.
- Unified solution for GISC, DCPC and NC.
- Complies with WIS requirements without using GeoNetwork or SIMDAT as a sidekick.
- Flawless synchronization with other WIS nodes.
- Built on top of a reliable message switching and file distribution system to effectively deliver the discovered products.
- Ad-hoc delivery as well as routine distribution of products.
- Product package definition based on metadata identifiers to organize the products.
- User friendly metadata editor to edit and create product descriptions.
- Access rights management to deal with non-public data, integrated management of users And customers.
- Ready to be installed!
Product discovery
- Multilingual web portal allows instant discovery of publicly available products even for non-registered users.
- Several ways of search query definitions from simple to advanced search strategies to combine fulltext search with georgraphic coordinates and time ranges, featuring optimized metadata search index.
- Browsing the product catalogue by meteorological categories or by packages defined by data manager.
- Discoverability of products from several data providers (DCPC) including products generated on the fly.
Data retrieval
Discovered data can be directly downloaded from the web if the access policy for the product allows it.Registered users can also subscribe for discovered products to receive the data routinely in any of the usual ways – sent by SFTP, FTP, HTTP or e-mail. Parameters of the subscriptions and destinations can be managed by the user in the web portal.
Customer and user management
Some features such as metadata edition or management of subscription are available only to registered “customers” (legal entities) and their staff – the registered users. Requests for registration are done inside the user portal and are confirmed (or rejected) by the administrator in the administrator portal, which runs as a separate web application for security reasons. The administrator has full control of access rights of the customers and users with relation to product publishing as well as product access.Data flow monitoring and management
The data flow, either ad-hoc or routine, can be monitored by the users themselve to check for the amount of received data etc. In addition the administrator of the system can monitor the whole data flow and manage it because of the integration with the automated message switching and file distribution system.Who can join
All RTHs and NCs will find their new role in the WIS in the description below.• GISC (Global Information System Centre): centres collecting and distributing data for routine global dissemination from/to DCPCs and NCs.
• DCPC (Data Collection and Processing Centre): centers collecting national, region or programme specific data from NC centres, disseminating these data in the area, and providing global data to their associated GISC centre.
• NC (National Centre): centres collecting and distributing data for national use, providing these data to their parent DCPC and/or GISC centre.