Telecon on Cg WIS Demo on Monday 16th of April 2011
1. ISO1939 interoperability status
2. Briefing on Congress WIS exhibition site
3. Content of WIS Congress Demonstration
CMA: Lipeng Jiang
DWD: Markus Heene
INMET (IBL): Marian Majan
JMA: Eizi Toyoda
NOAA: Craig Donahue
UK-MO/IPET-MDI: Jeremy Tandy
WMO: Timo Proescholdt
1. ISO19139 interoperability status
The meeting noted that incompatibilities between the centers' ISO19139 encodings of WIS metadata were the main issue that surged during the interopability testing. The issue of the GML namespace, used by ISO19139, proved particular problematic.
Some centers use the GML 3.2.0 namespace, developed by OGC, while others use GML 3.2.1, standardized by ISO as ISO19136. While the differences between 3.2.1 and 3.2.0 are minimal and only regard packaging, the different namespace urls used by OGC and ISO, cause XML schema validations to fail.
The meeting noted that the GML 3.2.1 namespace was required by ISO19139:2007, since ISO references ISO19136 (and thus GML 3.2.1) in its specifications.
The meeting agreed that GML 3.2.1 (xmlns:gml="") must be used for metadata exchange between GISCs and that GISCs would work bilaterally with metadata providers in their area of responsibility to convert records to a format acceptable in WIS. The meeting praised JMA's efforts to develop a stylesheet allowing GML 3.2.0 records to be converted to the GML 3.2.1 format and considered two options how it could be employed. One would be to make the stylesheet available to an external metadata provider to allow them the convert the records, another one to convert the metadata in the GISC on behalf of the metadata provider.
The meeting agreed to migrate to GML 3.2.1 and the schema currently developed by NOAA would be used as schema in the header of the metadata records. Regarding timing it was agreed that the testrecords for interoperability testing, including the Congress-demo, must be made available as soon as possible, at the latest until end of April, in GML 3.2.1, but that migration of other records could progress with a slower pace, since external metadata providers need to be involved.
Regarding the location of the schema files, the meeting decided that the schema files currently developed by NOAA would be copied on the WMO server to provide a stable, non-moving reference that will be used in WIS metadata records, noting that the files should be able for offline usage.
The location is e.G for GMD
2. Cg WIS exhibition & demonstration briefing
The WMO secretariat briefed the meeting on the exhibition and demonstration plans of WIS for Congress and requested information on members participation.
Regarding the exhibition the meeting learned that a site has been reserved for WIS & WIGOS for a joint exhibition from May 18-21 2011, close to the main conference hall. Each participating center will be allocated space on a table and the poster boards, for a computer and up to 2 DIN A0 posters, and that wireless network connectivity would be available but computer equipment would have to be provided by members, except individual agreement with the WMO secretariat.
The demonstration will take place directly after the WIS meeting in a side meeting on Saturday 21h. One big room with three screens and projectors as well as tables on the podium and network access will be available for the interactive live demonstration. The live demonstration will perform a demonstration of WIS capabilities according to the script detailed under point 3). There will also be time for other members to present their centres.
CMA will send a participant, but it is not yet clear who, they will also provide a poster.
DWD will send Markus Heene and Albert Brotzer and provider posters and flyers.
INMET will make Jose Arrimatea available for the exhibition and demonstration.
JMA will make available a member of the delegation, probably Eizi, and also create posters.
NOAA has yet to decide if they want to participate in the demo.
3. Content of the main demonstration
The meeting agreed that an imaginary food-security-analysis would be the topic of the main demonstration. A global food-security-analysis will be performed and WIS be used to discover and retrieve the necessary products and data.
The topic will provide the following roles.
- a searching GISC
- a GISC updating metadata
- some GISCs providing data through their internal DCPCs
- some DCPCs providing data
- GEOSS interoperability center
The script will be roughly as follows.
- The user tasked with performing the analysis searches a GISC for data & products.
- The user finds the data & products needed and retrieves them from their providing center (repeat)
- The food security analysis is performed (not part of the script)
- A new product is introduced into WIS by the updating GISC and the catalogue synchronized
- The user finds the new information
- The user downloads the new information
- The analysis is made again (not part of the script)
- A sudden event (heavy rain) occurs and the model needs updating
- The user searches for information on the event (precipitation)
- The information is downloaded from the cache of the searching GISC
- The food security analysis is performed again (not part of the script)
- GEOSS interoperability is performed by the GEOSS interoperability center (exact procedure yet to be defined).
The meeting agreed on the distribution of the roles between the participating centres
- INMET will act as searching GISC, regional rain observations will be used for the cache access
- DWD will expose Global Precipitation Climatology data through its internal DCPC.
- JMA will expose a product from its Regional Climate Centre, probably a climate forecast concerned with climate monitoring and forecast information
- CMA will expose agricultural/rice/water related data though its internal DCPC
- EUMETSAT will expose a product from the DEVCOCAST project called NDR (Number of Days Without Rain / Dry Season Monitoring - Multmission - South America) in its DCPC and the data will be received live from a South America operational reception station via the internet
- MF will update the catalogue by introducing a new product
- NOAA will provide a soybean harvest related product in its catalogue
The meeting agreed that participating centres have to provide a metadata record for the product that they expose in the corresponding WISTEST-#name# OAI set until Friday 29th the latest.
For interoperability testing, test metadata records should also be provided, as described in the first teleconference.
The centres will make sure that the records reference the correct xml namespace as agreed above and the schema location will point to the WMO server.
4. Action items until the end of April
- every center that provides data/product in the demo to prepare a metadata record for the product. The record MUST be valid against the WMO hosted ISO19139 schema. Data access via the online resource in the record MUST work.
- every GISC to prepare metadata records for interoperability testing. These records MUST be valid against to WMO hosted ISO19139 schema.