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1. Troubleshooting

1.1. Trouble with geonetwork

1.1.1. OAI not picking up newly imported files when the "from=#date#" parameter is used.

Apparently, when importing new data into the database, geonetwork does not consider the data to be "changed". This is despite the fact that in the database the "changeDate" filed is set to the data the record was imported. However, in the lucene index, the changeDate column is not set to that date. (re-indexing does not seem to help either).

OAI seems to look into the changeDate of the metadata rather than in the database change field... hmmmmm... I'm wondering what is correct behavior here.

In solution is to change search.xml or lucene.xml. Would have to search "_changeDate" rather than "changeDate".

1.2. external schemaLocation in XML file

The issue is that in some XML files have additional namespaces (e.G gmx for JMA), which is a valid practice. However, local validators might not know these namespaces. A parser has several options.

1.2.1. loading the additional schema over the network from the location referenced in the schemaLocation.

Very time consuming. Is default behaviour of some XML parsers

1.2.2. tell the parser with a flag to use a locally available schema for a specific namespace.

Can be done by passing xxxx to xerxes..

1.2.3. do not validate external namespaces

Can be done by passing xxxx to xerxes.. Some aspects of the XML wont be validated.

Page last modified on Friday 08 of October, 2010 20:06:31 CEST