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First review of proposed data representation for WIGOS and Climate Station Metadata

The first review of the proposed data representation for WIGOS and Climate Station Metadata is intended to identify issues that need to be resolved before the public review that will start towards the end of January 2016.

Those involved in the first review are the members of the ad hoc team set up to develop the standard, data repreesntation experts from WMO Commissions that are not represented on the ad hoc team, and members of IPET-MDRD.

Reviewers are asked to provide their comments before 31 December 2015

UML Model

The UML model is available online in html format and as a zip file of the html pages

XML schemas

The XML schemas are available in a zip file

Format for feedback

Please email your feedback to:

Page last modified on Wednesday 02 of December, 2015 11:58:23 CET