Today each operational GISC make the set of metadata of its area of responsibility available without following standard procedure, we have to harmonize the set of metadata structure
Metadata catalogue consistency
Define processes to ensure the consistency and completeness of Metadata catalogue at each GISC
24h cache completeness
In order to plan bandwidth need, the volume and data categories for global exchange data in the area of responsibility of GISC
Define mechanism to ensure that GISC cache contain all global data exchanged during the past 24h. Discuss with TT-OM the way to monitor cache completeness and TT-CAC for auditing.
User interface ( Base functions…)
Harmonization of user interface functionality in order to help user to find data from any GISCs
GISC backup procedures
Define recommendation for GISC backup procedures
WIS monitoring
Participate to the work of TT-OM in order to define axes for WIS monitoring
Data policies management
Propose recommendation for Data policies management
User registration parameters
Propose a recommendation procedure for more consistency between GISC for user registration
Standard support provided by GISC to their NCs and DCPCs
Define the basic support package that GISC should offer to NCs and DCPCs in their area of responsibility
Harmonization of File format of 24h cache
ET-WISC final report mention under item 4.11.4 that the GISCs should harmonize the Cache file format
Operational GISCs communication
Define procedures between GISCs to communicate in case of events such as : scheduled updates, maintenance work, changes in the set WIS-GISC-XXX if members/organization are added or removed
Provide support to TT-CAC for GISC rolling review
To be consolidated with TT-CAC
Propose a standard for WIS users authentication and authorization and potential solutions to implement it
Propose procedures for NC sand DCPCs wishing to change their principal GISC
Organize TT-GISC group meeting
GISC should meet on regular bases to discuss the operation of WIS. This should be through face2face meeting or virtual meeting. A first face2face meeting could be organized at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year. A virtual meeting should be organized before the face2face meeting to prepare it.