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TT-AvXML Teleconference 1

Task Team on Aviation XML - Teleconference 1

Date: Monday 6 February 2012
Time: 1200-1300 UTC.
(UK: 1200; Mainland Europe: 1300; Hong Kong, China: 2000; Washington DC: 0700

Access details will be posted on the TT-AvXML Group.

Chair: Enrico Fucile
Teleconference booked and controlled by: Steve Foreman

Supporting documents

These are in the attached .zip files

We have a main document to discuss
  • TT-AvXML UML derivation from TDCF.pdf

and we have an example

  • METAR example.txt
  • METAR example.xml

The full model in Enterprise Architect format is

  • MO TT-AvXML (including ISO TC211) 2012-01-30.eap

and we have other fragment examples

  • WMO TT-AvXML fragment examples.xml


The agenda is attached to this page.


The summary of the meeting are attached to this page following the meeting.

Page last modified on Monday 04 of June, 2012 08:17:22 CEST