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Meeting: Sixth meeting of the Task Team on Aviation XML (TT-AvXML)

Meeting information

Report of the meeting: A link to the Final Report will be placed here.

Chair: Mark Hedley (UK)
WMO & Webex contact: Steve Foreman

Location:Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China
Date: Friday 13 - Sunday 15 October 2017
Time: 0900 - 1700 each day (Hong Kong time)

Key objectives

The primary objectives of the meeting are to:
  • Decide on the requirements that will be addressed by IWXXM3, including those expected to be introduced by Annex 78 to ICAO Annex 3;
  • Prepare a work plan to allow IWXXM 3 to be approved for operational use by June 2019.

Meeting details

Register for the meeting
  • Members of the Task Team on Aviation XML will be sent an invitation to the meeting through their Permanent Representative. Attendance is self-funded.
Travel information

Teleconferencing details

(Starts 0100 UTC)
Meeting password: Hedley

Submit a document
The documents in this list have been provided by their authors but only those with a green bullet point have been transferred to the main documents list for the meeting. Those with a yellow bullet point have not been checked for suitability. Please take care if you choose to download them.

 Agenda itemInvert SortDocument nameText (document) to uploadDocument URLPresentation namePresentation to uploadAuthoratts
open2/01D2/01 AgendaDownload TT-AvXML-6-d02.01-Agenda-rev1.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open3.01/1Missing entries from codes.wmo.intDownload TT-AvXML-6d3.01-1-MissingCodelistEntries.docxHedleyList Attachments1
open3.01/2MIssing URIsDownload TT-AvXML-6-D3.01-2-MissingURIs.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open3.4/01Validity of schemas against Annex 3 AmendmentsDownload TT-AvXML-6-ValidityOfSchemas.xlsxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open3/00Man Codes I.3 - prepublicationDownload 306_I3_en_2017-prepub.pdfWMOList Attachments1
open4/01D4/01 RepositoriesDownload TT-AvXML-6-d04.01-AuthoritativeRepositories.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open4/02IWXXM development processDownload TT-AvXML-6-d04.02-IWXXMDevelopmentProcess.docxAaron BraeckelList Attachments1
open5/01D5/01 State letter draft Amd 78 ForemanList Attachments0
open5/02D5/02 WG-MIE-3 minutesDownload TT-AvXML-6-d05.02-MIE3_Report_Final_V1.pdfSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open5/03D5/03 Summary of change requestsDownload TT-AvXML-6-d05.03-SummaryOfRequestsForIWXXM.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open6/01D6/01 Work planDownload TT-AvXML-6-D06.01-TimeTable.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
open6/02IWXXM simplificationDownload TT-AvXML-6-d06.02-IWXXM-Simplification.docxAaron BraeckelList Attachments1
open7/01D7/01 GovernanceDownload TT-AvXML-6-d07.1-IWXXMgovernance.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
openFinal ReportSF daily notesDownload TT-AvXML-6-FinalReport.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1
openInformation/01I/01Local informationDownload Information sheet_TT-AvXML Meeting@HK-draft0.docxHKOList Attachments1
openInformation/02I/02 Document templateDownload TT-AvXML-6-Template.docxSteve ForemanList Attachments1

Page last modified on Wednesday 08 of November, 2017 09:46:53 CET