Providing a forum for exchange of information of environmental science users to provide better service and prices for satellite communication
Satcom Forum 2016 (27-29 Sept 2016. Madrid)
Abstracts as received
Salutation | First Name (in full) | Family Name (in full) | Poster Title | Subject area | Abstract | List authors (Leave blank if same as above) | Created |
Mr | Carlos | Barrera | R3M (Macaronesian Marine Monitoring Netw | Satcom user | The Macaronesian region is a vast area in the East Central North Atlantic of with an important interest already known for key marine and maritime sectors. However, logistics and support level to develop and maintain an accurate, useful and sustainable monitoring strategy program are still clearly below the needs. Despite technology advances addressed to ocean monitoring has been significantly improved during last two decades with new platforms, sensors and telemetry systems, there are still many unsolved gaps. These gaps becomes particularly relevant in ocean regions like the Macaronesia, fitted by ocean archipelagos. Based on particular and common initiatives for many years ago from several institutions across the region, nowadays there is a multidisciplinary group of universities, companies an and institutions aiming in partnership to consolidate a regional ocean observing strategy under the name of R3M (Macaronesian Marine Monitoring Network). | C. Barrera, M.J. Rueda, A.Cianca, J.Brito and O. LLinas | Thu 23 of Jun, 2016 09:37 CEST |
Ms | Laura Kay | Metcalf | NOAA's GOES Data Collection System | Satcom Provider | The NOAA GOES Data Collection System (DCS) has developed into an essential telecommunications provider in the U.S. Observation systems used for emergency warning and resource management all across the U.S. and the neighboring areas (Latin America, Caribbean, Pacific, etc) use GOES to relay critical data in support of flood monitoring, water resource management, wildland fires support, tsunami alerts and so much more send their critical data through the GOES system. Twenty seven thousand active platforms deliver an estimated ten million observations per day into the global observing system. This presentation will introduce some of those users, and will describe the tools and policies that have made the growth of the system possible in the twenty first century. | Kay Metcalf | Fri 08 of Jul, 2016 23:45 CEST |
Dr | OKUKU | EDIANG | CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVE | Satcom user | Climate is changing at unprecedented rates in recorded history. A variety of lines of evidence demonstrate that climate change is likely to affect the hydrologic cycle and thus create new challenges in water management. This requires that climate change information be included in water and water-related resources planning, operations, and management. In recent years ocean technology has leaped to the aid of scientists by providing them with cost-effective tools that can take measurements of essential biogeochemical variables autonomously, i.e. sensors on autonomous platforms. These autonomous measurements are complementary to efforts carried out by traditional ship-based sampling, with the aim of improving data coverage worldwide. Yet, despite these options becoming more readily available, there is still a gap between the technology (investigators and technicians that deploy these technologies) and the end-user on satellite data. Climates studies over the coast of West Africa especi | EDIANG OKUKU ARCHIBONG EDIANG ANIEKAN ARCHIBONG | Sun 10 of Jul, 2016 12:37 CEST |
Dr | OKUKU | EDIANG | HAZARDOUS WRECKS DYNAMICS USING SATELLIT | Satcom user | In recent years The ocean ecosystem plays a vital role in global climate change, element cycling and providing ecological services. The high rate of abandoned shipwrecks all over the country's coastal waters has become a major source of headache to both the government and Nigerians, especially regionally in Africa (West Africa). The attempt in this study is however to highlight and examine the role of hazardous wrecks and the meteorological monitoring systems along the coastline of West Africa using satellite communication , Nigeria in particular is discussed. Also considered has been given to the factors affecting developments in the maritime transports by ships, vessels etc by hazardous wrecks and its impacts on navigation and marine safety using satellite communication. The paper conclude by drawing the attention and stimulation of the private sector, urged the relevant stakeholders to expedite action on plans to remove the vessels, causing navigational hazards to other vessels e | EDIANG OKUKU ARCHIBONG EDIANG ANIEKAN ARCHIBONG | Sun 10 of Jul, 2016 12:56 CEST |
Mr | Scott | Rogerson | Argos Data Collection & Location System | Satcom Provider | The Argos Data Collection & Location System (DCS) is administered under a joint agreement between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the French Space Agency, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES). Additional partners include the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). There are currently over 21,000 active Argos Platforms being tracked by nearly 2,000 users in more than 100 countries. An overview of the Argos system and diversity of user applications will be provided – with a focus on recent and planned improvements to the overall system. | Mon 22 of Aug, 2016 16:55 CEST | |
Mr | Sean | Burns | CGMS and Meteorological Data Collection | Satcom Provider | The objective of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) is the global coordination of the operational meteorological satellite systems, including protection of in orbit assets, contingency planning, improvement of quality of data, support to users, facilitation of shared data access and development of the use of satellite products in key application areas. The coordination is pursued from an end-to-end perspective, through development of multi-lateral coordination and cooperation across all meteorological satellite operators in close coordination with the user community (WMO, IOC-UNESCO and other user entities). One area that CGMS works closely with meteorological satellite operators is Data Collection Systems including Geostationary and Low Earth Orbit Systems. This presentation will give an overview of the various systems coordinated by CGMS. | Wed 31 of Aug, 2016 11:28 CEST | |
Mr | Rudolf | Duester | "Telemetry meets Water: Reliable Data for Measuring and Monitoring Tasks in Early Warning Systems (Surface Water, Groundwater, Water Quality)" | Manufacturer of equipment that uses Satcom service | SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH & Co. KG offers state-of-the-art measurement and monitoring systems for requirements in the hydrology, hydrometry, and meteorology. Its mobile and stationary technical solutions focus on water as a "hazard" (monitoring) and as a "resource" (management). SEBA product applications range from groundwater, surface water, water quality, and wastewater to discharge measurement. Robust sensors and data loggers are usually combined with telemetric equipment and optimized for low power consumption for self-sufficient, battery or solar powered permanent monitoring networks. This presentation emphasizes the importance of balanced power consumption and reliable data transmission solutions in order to provide easy access to measurement data and system status for the continuous surveillance of water bodies, which is essential especially for early warning systems for extreme events like floods or – with the global challenges of climate change – droughts. | Duester, Rudolf; Marxer, Wolfgang; Sattler, Marcus | Wed 31 of Aug, 2016 15:19 CEST |
Mr | Steven | Colwell | The challenges of accessing Antarctic meteorological data in near real-time | Satcom user | Antarctica is a very data spare region and as there is no fibre-optic connection to the continent the only way to get access to data in near real-time is via satellite communication. Most of the staffed station are north of 75°S so are able to use geostationary satellites but many of the remote automatic weather stations (AWS) are much close to the pole and so need to us polar orbiting satellites. Temperatures in the deeper parts of Antarctica can drop below -80°C during the Antarctic winter and this is well below the satellite transmitter’s temperature rating. This talk will look at some of the issues relating to transmitting meteorological data from Antarctic in near real-time. | Thu 04 of Aug, 2016 14:53 CEST | |
Mr | JOSE LUIS | BELOSO GONZALEZ | Satlink technology for satcom users | Manufacturer of equipment that uses Satcom service | Satlink S.L., Spanish Company with Headquarters in Madrid and offices around the Word (Vigo, Seychelles, Ecuador and Fiji) is the word leader manufacturing drifting buoys for the fishing industry. Our technology is well proven and our buoys are 100% solar powered (no batteries inside and no maintenance) with a theoretical unlimited power, limited only by dirt, organisms and barnacles that stick to it for the time spent at sea and end up covering solar panels. Actually we use temperature and other sensors in our buoys and we can add wide variety of sensors to our buoys according to your needs (Salinity, temperature, oxygen concentration, pH, Hydrocarbons detectors, Chlorophyll,…). Our buoys are small, light and use Inmarsat IDP communications. Using IDP communications we can guarantee safe, reliable and cost effective communications. | Fri 02 of Sep, 2016 11:46 CEST | |
Mr | Etienne | Charpentier | Development of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) | Satcom user | The 17th World Meteorological Congress (Geneva, June 2015) adopted Polar and High Mountain activities as a strategic priority (among 7 priorites) of the Organization for this financial period, 2016-2019. The presentation will explain about the development of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), following relevant decisions and guidance of Cg-17, and particularly the core component observing systems of the GCW, i.e. CryoNet, which will rely heavily on satellite data telecommunication. | Fri 02 of Sep, 2016 14:43 CEST | |
Mr | Nicholas | Coyne | Meteosat Data Collection System | Satcom Provider | The Meteosat satellites located at 0° longitude, and over the Indian Ocean, acquire DCP data, in the form of observations and environmental parameters, from operators of DCPs, which are located within the footprint of the satellites. This presentation will focus on the types of platforms supported by the Meteosat satellites, including both Standard and High Data Rate transmitters. It will describe who can use the system and also how to receive the data. The presentation will also give information about the future plans for the system. | Wed 31 of Aug, 2016 13:01 CEST | |
Mr | Andy | Sybrandy | Equipment Manufacturer's SATCOM Wishlist | Manufacturer of equipment that uses Satcom service | Manufacturers of global environmental data collection systems, like drifting buoys and trackers, have certain requirements for satellite systems which reflect the needs of their customers. These requirements include: global real time coverage, two-way communication, low power, small footprint antenna, automatic/delayed activation, API for provisioning, test accounts, single point of payment flexible billing plans, 24/7 technical assistance, 99.9% up time, and reliable and available OEM modems. A quick elaboration of each requirement is given. | Andy Sybrandy, President, Pacific Gyre | Fri 02 of Sep, 2016 21:32 CEST |
Mr | Simon | van den Dries | Satellite M2M communication service | Service provider | Connecting remote meteorological stations requires reliable satellite connectivity. Most importantly is the ability to control the station and its connectivity remotely. In the abstract we will give an overview of meteorological stations that we have connected in The Americas, Asia and EMEA. Rencos provides the full solution from satellite hardware , to the airtime and to the software to control the connectivity and its costs. We have rich experience in setting up the right VPN, the right design of satellite dish equipment and solar panel equipment in very harsh environments. The software "remote terminal manager" is uniquely designed to handle both Inmarsat (BGANM2M, IDP), Iridium and THuraya. The integrated billing software provides cost control and alerts on the usage. | Mon 29 of Aug, 2016 11:12 CEST | |
Mr | Allan | Place | Iridium NEXT | Satcom Provider | Scientists, researchers and academics understand the earth through analysis of data collected both on site and remotely. For the latter, earth observation (EO) and communications satellites are essential. Over time, the amount of data that can be collected and transmitted via satellite has increased tremendously. Iridium’s ground breaking NEXT satellite constellation will deliver exciting new innovations and opportunities, while ensuring continued high performance and reliability for all existing Iridium-enabled solutions far into the future. This presentation takes a look at it’s capabilities; speed, bandwidth, payloads and more. | Sat 10 of Sep, 2016 20:16 CEST | |
Mrs | Mariuxi | Chávez Suárez | ORBCOMM OG2 | Satcom Provider | ORBCOMM OG2 is the world's first and only commercial satellite network 100% dedicated to M2M. The ORBCOMM network uses low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to provide reliable and cost-effective M2M communications to and from in the most remote areas of the world. ORBCOMM satellites are constantly in motion around the Earth, providing inherent network redundancy and minimizing line-of-sight issues for continuous global coverage. Each satellite’s VHF frequency furthers signal propagation and message delivery is unaffected by bad weather. In addition, the optimized message size is ideal for M2M applications. ORBCOMM is continuously updating its network to improve global coverage and enhance performance and reliability for our customers around the world. With the launch of 17 new, more capable next generation OG2 satellites ORBCOMM is taking its industry-leading satellite service to the next level. We will explain all the new features available with our new constellation of OG2 satellites. | Tony Hopko | Mon 12 of Sep, 2016 17:57 CEST |
Ms | Nada | El Marji | Inmarsat BGAN M2M | Satcom Provider | Environmental monitoring organizations are expected to gather analyse and distribute data quicker smarter and in more efficient ways. The right choice of technology can help organizations to meet and exceed expectations. Inmarsat BGAN M2M is a two way IP data service, designed for Machine-2-Machine management to fixed assets. Using Inmarsat global satellite network it provides reliable always-on connection between machines and easily integrates with existing and bespoke applications. This use case takes a look at BGAN M2M reliability, durability, easy installation and easy integration. | Sun 25 of Sep, 2016 18:16 CEST | |
Mr | Bryan | Hodge | Support to nowcasting and real time reporting | Satcom user | Australia is about to dramatically expand its rainfall monitoring networks to support Nowcasting and real time reporting. Its geographic scope is vast , and the ability to realise networks of this size is limited by operational costs , infrastructure installation limitations and limited coverage of Cellular networks in remote areas. This presentation intends to discuss the limitations that the business models of current providers are having on our ability to roll out these these networks. It will also discuss how having a single manageable solution instead of a mixture of varying technologies is highly appealing. | Mon 26 of Sep, 2016 12:55 CEST |