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AvXML - testing of version 1.0 Release Candidate 1

Consultation on AvXML v1.0 RC1 is now closed.

Testing of AvXML

Initial development of the WMO Logical Data Model, metce, is aimed at supporting an XML representation of weather information to support the use of XML by ICAO.

This page provides information about testing of the first release candidate of this and associated models and their XML schema.

Version 1.0RC1 of AvXML.

TT-AvXML ran a consultation period for comments on issues with implementing IWXXM and METCE to create XML representing operational meteorological reports for aviation. This ran for December 2012 and January 2013. Version 1.0 is intended to provide an XML representation that is exchanged in the OPMET TAF, METAR, SPECI or SIGMET formats.

Release Package for AvXML version 1.0RC1

Release Package

The full package contains:

Release Notes


Structure of AvXML

AvXML is built on several packages:

Packages managed by WMO

  • metce - a set of foundation building blocks to support application schema in the domains of interest to WMO, notably the weather, climate, hydrology, oceanography and space weather disciplines
  • Meteorological Basic Types - classes extending the concepts of the GML "Measure" class to represent physical quantities in the domains of interest to WMO
  • Observable Property Model - based on work by the OGC Sensor Working Group, this allows creation of definitions that are derived from the meteorological basic types.

Packages managed by ICAO

  • iwxxm - ICAO Weather Information Exchange Model - defines the reports required by ICAO (the equivalent of METAR/SPECI, TAF and SIGMET) that are built from the components of the packages managed by WMO
  • saf - Simplified Aviation Features, that allow items such as airports, or runways to be described to the level of detail required for reporting aviation weather

More on the packages managed by WMO (metce, Meteorological Basic Types and Observable Property Model)


More on the packages managed by ICAO (iwxxm, saf)


Comments made on how to improve AvXML 1.0

__The period of consultation on AvXML 1.0 RC1 is now closed. Further comments will be sought on AvXML 1.0RC2.

Comments on this release candidate (AvXML 1.0RC1) may be found at our Google Group: CBS-TT-AvXML (look for entries with the prefix [1.0RC1-feedback]).

How do I know if others have made the same comment as me?

In addition to the Google Group (look for entries with the prefix [1.0RC1-feedback]) that contains the comments and initial responses to them, there is also a FAQ page that synthesises the comments and the proposed solutions.

Additional information about AvXMLversion 1.0RC1

Further documentation

Additional information about AvXMLversion 1.0RC1 is available on a separate page

Teleconferences to explain AvXML

Three teleconferencing sessions are planned to explain the logical model. More details can be found on a separate page.

AvXML overview presentation

A copy of the presentation material used in the teleconferences and for briefing other communities such as the Open Geospatial Consortium is provided here (PowerPoint, PDF).

Index to supporting pages


Page last modified on Tuesday 05 of March, 2013 16:26:11 CET