Keywords used to describe WMO documents
These keywords are not yet contained in code lists. Their use is encouraged for documents to which they apply, but other, more relevant, keywords can be used to describe documents if they are more appropriate.
Status of document
- MandatoryPublications
- the document forms part of the WMO Technical Regulations
- TechnicalPublications
- the document is a formal WMO technical document
- ScienceReport
- the document is a scientific report
- TechnicalReport
- the document is a technical report
- MeetingReport
- the document is the report from a meeting
- InformationDocument
- the document is an input document to a meeting, a briefing or draft.
- AdministrativeDocument
- the document is administrative in nature
- Notification
- the document provides formal notification of a change
Identification of document
- WMOSeries
- The document has a formal WMO document number (e.g. the Manual on Codes is WMO-No. 306). The document number should also appear as a keyword prefixed by WMONo, e.g. WMONo306)
Generic subject areas of document
For documents describing the WIS itself the following keywords should be used. Oter topic areas may define additional keywords.
- WMODataManagement
- the document is relevant to data management of one or more WMO systems
- InformationManagement
- the document is relevant to information management practices