1. Overview
Following is example XML Structure to serve as index of optional elements. Links (to be described) point to description on the guideline for each element.
- MD_Metadata
- fileIdentifier: urn:x-wmo:md:int.wmo.wis::TTAA00CCCC
- language: eng
- characterSet: utf8
- hierarchyLevel: dataset
- contact:
- CI_ResponsibleParty
- individualName: (Person who Created the Metadata)
- organisationName: (Organisation that Created the Metadata)
- positionName: (Role in the Organisation, Typically WIS Centre)
- contactInfo:
- CI_Contact
- address:
- CI_Address
- electronicMailAddress:
- role: pointOfContact
- dateStamp: 2013-12-14
- metadataStandardName: WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139)
- metadataStandardVersion: 1.3
- referenceSystemInfo:
- MD_ReferenceSystem
- referenceSystemIdentifier:
- RS_Identifier
- code: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
- identificationInfo:
- MD_DataIdentification
- citation:
- CI_Citation
- title: (Brief Name of the Dataset)
- date:
- CI_Date
- date: 2012-10-27
- dateType: creation
- date:
- CI_Date
- date: 2012-10-29
- dateType: revision
- date:
- CI_Date
- date: 2012-10-28
- dateType: publication
- identifier:
- MD_Identifier
- code: ahl:TTAA00CCCC
- abstract: (Long description of the dataset, typically more than several lines)
- pointOfContact:
- CI_ResponsibleParty
- individualName: (Person who Created the Dataset)
- organisationName: (Organisation that Created the Dataset)
- positionName: (Role in the Organisation, Often WIS Centre)
- contactInfo:
- CI_Contact
- address:
- CI_Address
- electronicMailAddress:
- role: originator
- descriptiveKeywords:
- MD_Keywords
- keyword: atmosphericComposition
- type: theme
- thesaurusName:
- CI_Citation
- title: WMO_CategoryCode
- Anchor/@xlink:href:
- date:
- CI_Date
- date: 2012-09-15
- dateType: publication
- descriptiveKeywords:
- MD_Keywords
- keyword: GlobalExchange
- type: dataCentre
- thesaurusName:
- CI_Citation
- title: WMO_DistributionScopeCode
- date:
- CI_Date
- date: 2012-09-15
- dateType: publication
- resourceConstraints:
- MD_LegalConstraints
- useLimitation: PT12H
- accessConstraints: otherConstraints
- useConstraints: otherConstraints
- otherConstraints: WMOEssential
- Anchor/@xlink:href:
- otherConstraints: GTSPriority2
- Anchor/@xlink:href:
- spatialRepresentationType: vector
- language: eng
- characterSet: utf8
- topicCategory:
- MD_TopicCategoryCode
- extent:
- EX_Extent
- geographicElement:
- EX_GeographicBoundingBox
- westBoundLongitude: 11.107
- eastBoundLongitude: 24.167
- southBoundLatitude: 55.001
- northBoundLatitude: 69.063
- temporalElement:
- EX_TemporalExtent
- extent:
- TimePeriod:
- @id: TimePeriod
- beginPosition: 2010-12-31T12:00:00Z
- endPosition: 2012-01-01T12:00:00Z
- TimePeriod:
- distributionInfo:
- MD_Distribution
- distributionFormat:
- MD_Format
- name: FORMAT
- version: VERSION