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For an explanation of the common elements in most records, see ( add link to page containing Eizi's snippet on key fields, which will hopefully also include an explanation of a) citedResponsibleParty / CI_ResponsibleParty;
and possibly also (if group agrees)
b) an explanation of a rolling time-range (eg 1 month backwards, relative to now), by using
temporalElement / EX_TemporalExtent:
extent / TimePeriod :

If the above 2 aren't explained in a separate webpage, then add an explanation here.

The key differences, in the record below, compared with the other example records for WMO SYNOPTIC MDG_Synoptic and AVIATION MDG_Aviation Bulletins, is mostly just the field content which is specific to the CLIMAT product. That is: the abstract, the keywords, and the extent.


Please note: the example "CLIMAT" record below is given for example purposes, and may not be the same as operational records.

fileIdentifier: urn:x-wmo:md:int.wmo.wis::CSAU01
language: eng
characterSet: utf8
hierarchyLevel: dataset
contact / CI_ResponsibleParty:
  @id: wis_centre
  organisationName: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  contactInfo / CI_Contact:
    phone / CI_Telephone:
      voice: +61 3 9669 1234
    address / CI_Address:
  role: pointOfContact
dateStamp: 2016-03-04T00:00:00Z
metadataStandardName: WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007
(ISO/TS 19139)
metadataStandardVersion: 1.3

identificationInfo / MD_DataIdentification:
  citation / CI_Citation:
    title: CSAU01: Bureau of Meteorology - (CSAU01) CLIMAT report from selected Australian land-based stations
      @nilReason: inapplicable
    identifier / MD_Identifier:
      code: urn:x-wmo:md:int.wmo.wis::CSAU01

    citedResponsibleParty / CI_ResponsibleParty:
      @id: citedOrgn
      organisationName: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
      contactInfo / CI_Contact:
        phone / CI_Telephone:
          voice: +61 3 9669 4000
        address / CI_Address:
      role: pointOfContact

  abstract: ---- A CLIMAT bulletin is for the latest month only, and began being provided in 2005.
CLIMAT bulletins are delivered to the GTS between the 5th and 8th day of the following month.
CLIMAT bulletins include CLIMAT reports for about 10 stations, and provide averaged monthly values (of daily averages of raw data) for each station, for the preceding month.

This CLIMAT bulletin is encoded as TAC (Text-encoded), and follows the FM 71 encoding specification (FM 71 is for CLIMAT -a report of monthly values from a land station).
(Refer to WMO No.306 - Manual on Codes for the definition of WMO international codes)

The CSAU01 TTAAii Data Designators decode as:
T1 (C): Climatic data.
T2 (S): Monthly means (surface).
A1A2 (AU): Australia.
(2: Refer to WMO No.386 - Manual on the GTS - Attachment II.5)

A brief cribsheet of data parameters, data format and code decryption is under "Supplementary Info".
Data Parameters are also summarised under "Keywords".

This bulletin (covering the month previous to the bulletin's release) collates reports from 11 stations:

Darwin airport (WMO Station#: 94120; BOM stationID 014015), Tindal RAAF (WMO Station#: 94131; BOM stationID 014932), Gove airport (WMO Station#: 94150; BOM stationID: 014508), Weipa aero (WMO Station#: 94170; BOM stationID: 027045), Broome airport(WMO Station#: 94203; BOM stationID: 003003), Halls creek airport (WMO Station#: 94212; BOM stationID: 002012), Tennant creek airport (WMO Station#: 94238; BOM stationID: 015135), Burketown airport (WMO Station#: 94260; BOM stationID: 029077), Cairns aero (WMO Station#: 94287; BOM stationID: 031011), Townsville aero (WMO Station#: 94294; BOM stationID: 032040), and Willis island (WMO Station#: 94299; BOM stationID: 200283).

  pointOfContact / CI_ResponsibleParty:
    @id: content_contact
    organisationName: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
    contactInfo / CI_Contact:
      phone / CI_Telephone:
        voice: +61 3 9669 1234
      address / CI_Address:
    role: originator

  descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords:
    @id: subjkey
    keyword: synopticMeteorology
    keyword: weatherObservations
    type: theme
      title: WMO_CategoryCode
        @nilReason: template

  descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords:
    @id: distribnkey
    keyword: GlobalExchange
    type: dataCentre
      title: WMO_DistributionScopeCode
      date: 2013-02-14
      dateType / CI_DateTypeCodee: revision

  descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords:
    @id: placecode
    keyword: 94120 Darwin airport
    keyword: 94131 Tindal RAAF
    keyword: 94150 Gove airport
    keyword: 94170 Weipa aero
    keyword: 94203 Broome airport
    keyword: 94212 Halls creek airport
    keyword: 94238 Tennant creek airport
    keyword: 94260 Burketown airport
    keyword: 94287 Cairns aero
    keyword: 94294 Townsville aero
    keyword: 94299 Willis island
    type: place

  descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords:
    @id: updtime
    keyword: Every month
    type: temporal

  descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords:
    @id: dataparWMO
    keyword: humidity
    keyword: precipitation - maximum
    keyword: pressure - mean
    keyword: sunshine
    keyword: temperature -max/min
    keyword: vapour pressure - mean
    keyword: wind - speed/ gust
    type: dataParam

  descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords:
    @id: dataparGCMDrel
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Pressure|Surface Pressure
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Radiation|Sunshine
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Temperature|Air Temperature
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Temperature|Maximum/Minimum Temperature
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Winds|Surface Winds
    keyword: Atmosphere|Precipitation|Precipitation Amount
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Pressure|Surface Pressure
    keyword: Atmosphere|Atmospheric Pressure|Atmospheric Pressure Measurements
    keyword: Cryosphere|Snow/Ice|Snow Depth
    type: dataParam

  resourceConstraints / MD_LegalConstraints:
    useLimitation: License conditions apply, as indicated below.
    accessConstraints: otherRestrictions
    useConstraints: otherRestrictions
    otherConstraints: GTSPriority4
    otherConstraints: WMOEssential
    otherConstraints: “WMOEssential” is defined at
“WMOEssential” represents the WMO Data License for WMO Essential Data, which is defined as: “free and unrestricted international exchange of basic meteorological data and products”. "WMO Essential" Data License is derived from WMO Resolution 25 and Resolution 40.
For further information, see: (

  language: eng
  characterSet: usAscii

  extent / EX_Extent:
    @id: boundingExtent
    geographicElement / EX_GeographicBoundingBox:
      @id: boundingGeographicBoundingBox
      westBoundLongitude: 70.00
      eastBoundLongitude: 180.00
      southBoundLatitude: 05.00
      northBoundLatitude: 90.00

    temporalElement / EX_TemporalExtent:
      extent / TimePeriod :
        @id : d3451981e550a1051934
        end / TimeInstant :
          timePosition : indeterminatePosition : now
        duration : -P0Y1M0DT0H0M0S

  supplementalInformation: Data parameters and format decoding is explained in "Practical Help for Compiling CLIMAT Reports (2009), from
The ISCK01 bulletin is collection of CLIMAT reports containing the same content as CSAU01 (though with additional data), but is in BUFR format. It is also available from AMMC.

distributionInfo / MD_Distribution:
  distributionFormat / MD_Format:
    @id: format.1
    name: WMO FM71 CLIMAT (TAC: text)
    version: XIII
    specification: "FM71-XII CLIMAT" format is explained at pgs A137-139;

  distributor / MD_Distributor:
    distributorContact / CI_ResponsibleParty:
      organisationName: Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) - RTH Melbourne
      role: distributor
    distributorTransferOptions / MD_DigitalTransferOptions:
      onLine / CI_OnlineResource:
        linkage / Url: (KR to check this)
        description: Latest bulletin only (Available from GISC for 24 hours after release) on
        function: download

  distributor / MD_Distributor:
    distributorContact / CI_ResponsibleParty:
      organisationName: NOAA
      role: distributor
    distributorTransferOptions / MD_DigitalTransferOptions:
      onLine / CI_OnlineResource:
        linkage / Url:
        description: Latest bulletin only (Available from NOAA for 1 month after release) on
        function: download

Page last modified on Tuesday 10 of May, 2016 18:25:52 CEST