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IWXXM status

Link to definitions of terms describing the status

Releases of IWXXM

Note that in this table the "status" refers only to the status of the release in WMO-No. 306 Manual on Codes.

IWXXM release IWXXM version Status Edition Rules release Code table release
IWXXM 1.2 iwxxm 1.2 deprecated FM 205-15 1.2 1.2
IWXXM 2.1 iwxxm 2.1.0 deprecated FM 205-16 2.1.0 2.1.0
iwxxm 2.1.1 deprecated FM 205-16 2.1.1 2.1.1
IWXXM 3.0 iwxxm 3.0 operational FM 205-17 3.0 3.0

Compatibility of releases of IWXXM with requirements of Annex 3 to the Convention on International Air Navigation

This table is not authoritative and is provided for guidance only. Refer to ICAO documentation for authoritative guidance.

Amendment IWXXM release Status Comments
Amendment 76 iwxxm 1.2 operational
Amendment 77 iwxxm 2.1.0 deprecated Known problems with validating TAF and SIGMET. Use release 2.1.1 from 15 May 2018.
iwxxm 2.1.1 operational
Amendment 78 iwxxm 3.0.0 operational

Future developments of iwxxm

The tentative schedule for developing new releases of iwxxm is provided elsewhere on this wiki.

Page last modified on Tuesday 14 of January, 2020 20:59:49 CET