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IWXXM-3.0 Feedback

How to provide feedback on IWXXM 3.0RC1

Please submit your feedback on IWXXM 3.0RC1

IWXXM 3.0 is going to be a major release with significant structure changes due to the elimination of the O&M model. For further details see the release notes
The new version is not compatible with the previous versions and software has to be reviewed to be able to process the data. We encourage users and developers to perform tests and build examples to verify that the existing features are still functional in the new data structure. We also encourage everyone to submit immediate feedback if a issue is found or something is not working as expected.
Please consider that the team is composed by a very small group of developers and addressing or answering feedback can take some time.

How to submit your feedback on IWXXM 3.0RC1

Please follow these instructions to submit feedback to the WMO Task Team on Aviation XML:
  • First look at the cbs-tt-avxml Google Group to see if the issue has been already submitted. We would like to avoid duplicates.
  • Email your comment to
  • Write in the subject: IWXXM-3.0RC1-feedback
  • Please describe the issue in as much detail as possible and add an example to help the team to understand how to reproduce and address it.
  • Feedback submitted after 30 September 2018 will not be considered.

Page last modified on Tuesday 24 of July, 2018 11:23:52 CEST